June 10 Black Day: PPP blackens its face by Killing Three political activists

Karachi, Sindh, June 10, 2009

Pakistan’s democratic government, in province of Sindh, interior ministry ordered police on June 9 ‘not to allow political demonstrators to stage a planed Sit-In in front of Chief Minister House, Karachi.

June 10, day came, when hundreds of people started to gather at Fohara Chowk, on Abdullah Haroon Road, Near Karachi Press Club, their other colleagues were stopped, baton-charged and tear gassed by police in Gulshan-e-Hadeed, an entry point to City of Karachi and others were stopped at Hyderabad bypass, but one procession coming from Gulshan-e-Maamar, Karachi, located on northern bypass, was fired by Police, killing three activists of Sindh Tarraqi Pasand Party (Sindh Progressive Party).

Some television channels tried to black out the news, some resorted to distorting the story saying “an encounter has taken police on northern bypass, 3 people were killed”, others quoted Edhi sources saying “they have found three dead bodies”. This is free journalism in our country. Not a single newspaper or television channel bothered to send their reporter to find out what exactly has happened. The Drama continued for four hours. Meanwhile Dr. Qadir Magsi, Chairman of STP talked to TV channels disclosing the killing of his party’s three workers. Only two Sindh TV channels Sindh TV News and KTN News aired it, however KTN still continued to report “three killed: STP claims”, the claim was not verified by their reporters.

Meanwhile rumour spread across the province that STP Chief Dr. Magsi has been killed, interior of the province went shutting down shops and businesses. Panic and confusion marked the June 10, and our provincial government, with army of ministers, remain unconcerned and aloof as what was developing, allowed chaos to rule the province, police kept denying killing of activists, Angry Karachi Police Chief told reporters on phone “He is not aware of the killings, but we have orders to stopped the protesters from staging Sit-In in front of Chief Minister House”.

Country national high way that links two ports of Karachi with rest of the country remained locked for 6 hours, but no government spoke person came and spoke on the tragic events of the day. Where was government, did government exist in city and rest of the province?

Home Minister Dr. Mirza, whose wife is speaker of National Assembly and he is person friend of President Zardari, did not have courage to speak a single word over what was happening in the province. But now there is hardly any doubt that he incited violence and caused killings of Sindh’s courageous political activists who were protesting against settlement of outsiders in province of Sindh, which is already home to 5 million outsiders Non-Sindhis in province.

People of Sindh at large condemned the killings of political activists. PPP has revived the legacy of military dictatorships in Sindh,

Many believe, had PPP been in opposition, it would have been protesting along with nationalists against flooding of Sindh with outsiders.

PPP government has a mad interior minister; Mirza is a neo-feudal, an apolitical being, rash, irresponsible and hollow man. He does not have control on his tongue; he incited police to deal with protesters with force.

Even Gen. Zia and Fascist Jam Sadiq Could not dare to shoot protesters of Sindhi political parties, PPP time and tries to prove that what no one else can do, they are willing to do. This would go deep down history as black slap their face.

People are literally shocked to see that not a single PPP member/army of ministers have issued statement of condemnation.

History will remember June 10, 2009 as black day when PPP government fired on peaceful protesters of Sindh, a criminal and fascists’ attitude towards politics, something which even Gen. Musharraf’s brutal military rule could not dare to treat political activists. Last week police fired at SUP workers in Jamshoro super highway while protesting against settlement of outsiders. PPP is setting up new tradition that a democratic government can be intolerant and cruel to opposition, well PPP has already purchased by extending share to all opposition parties in the provincial assembly, even those who have history of being puppets of Pakistan’s undemocratic establishment and have been used by establishment against PPP. What a tragedy, seems PPP has learned nothing from past blunders & experiences.

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