By Dr Ali Akbar Dhakan
The people of Sindh have suffered mentally, physically, economically, politiacally, socially due to ill- intensions of rulers who over took the reins of establishment and governance forcibly on the gun point and became kings by converting the Constitution from Islamic republic to one man Kingdom.
In my life time (70 years), only riots, frauds, crimes of all kinds, mismanagement, bad governance, dishonest dealings, undemocratic policies and activities and one man show and rule have remained before the eyes and experience with the outcome of unproductive mind, fruitless progress and development.Only blames and accusations have since been listened from one party to other party, group to group, government to government, leader to leader, province to province, tribe to tribe etc.
With in the period of 60 years, we have remained one half only and that is also under uncertain and transitory position.The great grief is felt for those who mixed up and favoured the power grabbers group for their own interests neglecting the national unity, soverignity and even existence of the country .The fate and result is that we are short in every commodity of daily use and face on account of such circumstances, the dangers and turmoils in the shape od mishaps of price hike, inflation, poverty, literacy, civil amunities and all inbalances in every sector of economy, governance, law and order situation and even in the minds of people and administrators. On the Political fronts, we have lost lives of many people of Pakistan by suicidal bombs and also precious lives of our Political leaders and the uncertain conditions prevail in the minds of people making them feeble minded and phychotrists, extremists and terrorists.It is why we contracted the fates of Pakistanis in lieu of money and thus no economic development took place resulting in less foreign investment and reduction in the productivity of agricultural crops and industrial production.The less income generation has brought recession in the market and price hike.
On the economic side, the statement of the Finance Minister Govt. of Pakistan made on T.V channels on 9-4-2008 is the best testimony for the faltering economic scenarios in Pakistan and the financial mismanagement spread out by the Economic managers of the previous regime.The gist of statement is reproduced here with. ”The largest portion of the budget over run was because of Rs.138 billion subsidy on petroleum products and Rs. 70 billion and account of non- payment to Wapda, adding that no budgetary provisions had been made in that regard.An additional expenditure of Rs. 45 billion was incurred in importing Wheat and there was no budgetary provision for that either”.
Sindh province is most badly affected area and the people of Sindh remained downtroden due to unemployment of Sindhi educated Youth.As there was no representation of Sindh in any organization, even a small post of office peon was not available for Sindhi people it is therefore high time for peoples party Government who have got the seat of policy makers to look after the interest of Sindhi people particularly in Sindh province to make up the generation gap of despondency and sense of deprivation from the minds of Sindh people.The following suggestions may immediately be implemented with necessary stress to make the rural areas of Sindh developed and Urbanised which is the only solution of the prevailing problems of socio-economic conditions.
1.Do not concentrate people at one place.
2.All industries and Factories may be established at the distance of ten kilo meters along side the super highways or other all roads.
3.Separate Funds may be allocated for such new places of Industrial settlements.
4.Rural rather Urban development may be launched.
5.At 10th Km of each road, all aminities civil and security may be provided.
6.Shopping centres may also be set up at 10th Km of the road.
7.At other places, new roads may be constructed.
8.Industries may be set up at the places where raw material for them is avilable.
9.Near the sea side, Motor ways may be built and along side at both sides of them at 10th Km, towns and villages may be established.
10.At the outset, all the freindly countries may be approached for financial help and assistance.
11.All the investors may be requested and directed morally to take part in the new economic development scenario.
12.All the landlords may be directed to participate to make the country green and developed.
13.All the educated jobless young persons may be given training and skills in the different professions and businesses.
14.New schemes and projects may be prepared by the local Government in their vicinities.
15.The Military people may be engaged to help the civilians to work at the new projects.
16.All the schemes will be from private sector. Only the funds and security will be provided by the Government.
17.Small scale Industries or cottage Industries may be set up with priority.
18.The river sides may be spared for cultivation of Crops, Vegetables and Fruits or gardens with necssary civil aminities.
19.The existing big cities and towns may not be allowed to expand and they may be made the source of providing all kinds of materials and commodities to be needed in the newly launched Schemes and Projects.
20.Remittances coming from other countries may be utilized for the new projects.
21.All the people working in foreign countries may be facilitated to invest in such newly development shemes.
On 1st June 2008, usually I came to State Bank for my pension on my car driven by my driver.When we entered from the unusual gate at the side of Railway line, new security people looking like terrorists were sitting.They were identified first of all then they gave me entrance slip and then we moved further towards the building gate where another terrorist faced security man namely Ishaque asked my identification and when I identified him myself being a Senior Citizen of Pakistan and a retired Senior officer of the State bank visiting for getting my monthly pension, he ordered with his rowdy face my driver to park my car outside the State Bank buliding.I tried to admonish him that just after getting pension we shall go away but he was very arrogant and unethical.When I got my pension and came down the building, I could not find my car Toyota Corola No.APA 217.I searched my vehicle in SBP car parking place but I did not find it.When my driver saw me, he told about the misbehaviour of the same security man Ishaq who did not allow him to park the vehicle in the SBP car parking.The driver took me outside the building and I saw that my car was parked outside the building in an ugly Jam parked place having dangers of accidents and car lifting.
The Governer is therefore asked as to how such terrorist like people have been appointed in the security of SBP and it may also be investigated as to who appointed such security men at the cost of the Local people of Sindh.The Security man Ishaq and others like him seem to be having domiciled from other places and not from Sindh Province whose Quota of jobs in State Bank has been neglected since the very establishment of the office of State Bank of Pakistan.The security people are appointed for the Karachi office for which all such security people may be appointed from Sindh Province since a single man belonging to Sindh Province is not being appointed in other offices of State Bank throughout Pakistan.
It is also pertinent to take disciplinary action against the said security man namely Ishaq and displaced from the service if he is not holding the domicle of Sindh province.If so all his documents may be got confirmed from the concerned quarters.
Dr Ali Akbar Dhakan
Ex-Executive Director State Bank of Pakistan
Received via email