By Dr Ali Akbar Dhakan
In Sindh we know the life of Allama Umer bin Mohammad Daud poto of Sehwan – Dadu who was a son of poor Carpenter but proved to be the greatest Scholar and talented personality through out the world.From his Autobiography, I read the status of a poor man.
He has written that ”The mat and a tooth brush(a small piece of stick from a Neem tree) is a property of a student whose parents are poor possessing nothing financially.Allama I.I Kazi of Khat Pat – Dadu was a son of a rural poor man belonging to a farming community but even after his death, his name is highly renowed throughout the world.In this way, we can say that by dint of hard working, efficient handling of daily dealings, and honest ways of living fetch the fortunes for their and for their future generations.God has also promised the man in the Holy Quran that a man will get that for which he is striving.
I do not consider the present exaltation and gradation only due to my efforts or struggles but it is the outcome of the blessings and good wishes and best compliments of my parents, my relatives, my friends, my well-wishers to reach at the present level of grandeur and high esteem which has been shown and evidenced in the forewords written by the gentry of the highest caliber and rank whose contribution for he services of the whole humanity cannot be overemphasized. The reasons of writing and bringing out my Autobiography are various in my view but mostly they are(i)to ensure honesty of purpose(ii)to suggest ways and means to make the life punctual, disciplined, service rendering(iii)to live for others and extend helping hands to all needy and deserving(iv)to show the world community the importance of poor people whose incessant struggles and endeavors make it living, mobile, green, productive, promising, proficient etc otherwise indolence would have caused feminine, catastrophe, poverty, backwardness and illiterate. It is therefore suggested that every human being in whatever status should write his autobiography from which the coming generation will take benefit of experience, knowledge, information and lessons of better and successful living.