What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a disease in which body cannot properly store and use glucose- the body’s energy source. Body uses insulin to tap into energy. People with Type 1 diabetes cannot produce insulin or produce too little. Those with Type 2 diabetes can’t use the insulin the body makes. Diabetes is one of the fastest growing diseases in all over the world today and more than 1 million new cases are diagnosed every year.

One thought on “What is diabetes?”

  1. Hi, My name is Elsa, and I am the mother of a 3 and a half year old little boy with type 1 diabetes. This disease causes many challenges daily, but it has also taught us a lot. We now live by terms like low-GI, hypoglycemia, hiperglycemia, ketones, blood glucose tests, and I can continue like this for ages. I would love to create a better understanding of this disease amongst people, especially the critical differences in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. the essential difference being that people with type 1 diabetes is stuck with the disease forever (or till a cure can be found), whereas people with type 2 can possibly overcome it by adjusting their life style. Type 2 diabetes is a life style disease, type 1 not. You cannot cause type 1 diabetes, you have to have a genetic pre-disposition.

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