SDF calls for restoration of districts’ old status
HYDERABAD, May 16: The Sindh Democratic Forum has called for restoration of the old status of Karachi and other districts divided by the Arbab Ghulam Rahim government. The leaders of the forum who met here on Sunday said that the provincial assembly should take a decision on the issue because the issues of demarcation and demographic changes were more political than administrative.
The meeting demanded immediate restoration of the old status of Hyderabad because, it said, the city had been divided by a military dictator on ethnic lines to reward the MQM for its support for his illegal and unconstitutional rule.
The meeting criticised MQM’s opposition to the restoration of Hyderabad district and accused it of having turned the urban areas of the province no-go areas for Sindhis.
The meeting expressed disappointment over contradictory views of the PPP leadership and criticised it for “first raising the issue and then suddenly deciding to keep quiet over it”.
They said that the PPP had failed to protect Sindh’s rights and end lawlessness. The party failed to stop theft of Sindh’s water share and to close illegal canals, which were operating in Punjab in clear violation of the 1991 water accord.
They criticised MQM chief Altaf Hussain’s warning of ethnic conflicts and said that the MQM should be charged as instigator in the event of an ethnic dispute cropping up in the province.
The meeting said that destruction of the historical city should not be allowed to be continued. It ridiculed MQM’s stand about keeping Karachi with a population of over 15 million as one district and retaining four districts carved out of the original Hyderabad district with a total population of only about 2.5 million.
The SDF leaders termed the demand illogical and unjustified.
17 May, 2010
WSC demands the restoration of historical and geographical position of Hyderabad and Karachi were hatched under the patronage of dictator Musharraf to serve the narrow racial interests of an ethnic party. The conspiracy is a part of design to alienate Sindhi people from their urban centres, stop the natural growth of middle class and impose racist forces in unchallenged power in these areas…
17 May 2010
Who stop them from doing so ?
Do they think people from Islamabad or Lahore will come and do this job ?