Tag Archives: Tea

11 Christian nurses are poisoned in Pakistan for daring to drink tea during the month of Ramzan

Christian Nurses poisoned to Punish drinking tea during Muslims Ramadan in Pakistan

Karachi: July 30, 2012. (PCP) Christian staff nurses of Civil Hospital Karachi were poisoned as punishment to drink tea in their Hostel rooms during Holy Month of Ramadan being observed these days by Muslim majority community of Pakistan.

Among Eleven (11) poisoned Christian nurses (3) were rushed to Intensive Care Unit ICU of Civil Hospital Karachi were remaining (8) are being treated in emergency ward.

Civil Hospital Karachi is under ministry of health of Sindh government where Christian medico staff was in majority till 1985.

Staff Nurses Rita, Anila and Rafia were in serious condition in ICU ward of CHK while staff nurse Rita was later transferred on life saving equipment.

There are reports that FIR have been registered against unknown person on poisoning Christian nurses in Aram Bagh Police Station of Karachi and non was arrested so far.

According to Ramadan Ordinance of Provincial Sindh Government, to eat in Public places is prohibited and restaurants and vendors will remain closed during timing of Ramadan.

The Ramadan Ordinance is not imposed on Five Star Hotels in Sindh Province and allows minority community individuals to take meals in indoor facilities.

After independence of Pakistan in 1947, all restaurants have to put curtain on their doors where Muslim and other religious communities were free to dine and smoke during Holy Month of Ramadan but laws of total ban or closure were made after Islamization of Pakistan during Zia-ul-Haq rule.

The poisoning incident of 11 Christian nurses have spread wave of fear among religious minorities of Pakistan and rising extremism in society.

Courtesy: Pakistan Christian Post


Via – Twitter

Imran Khan is emerging as a tea partier of Pakistan

– The Ghost of Imran Khan

by Zafar Imam

He has emerged as a tea partier of Pakistan

The Ghost of Imran Khan, the Pakistan Tehrek – e- Insaaf leader, is haunting many his critics, political opponents, liberal secular democrats and even many leftists after his successful rally at Minar-e-Pakistan in Lahore on October 30, 2011. International and national media gave this rally an overwhelming coverage, which facilitated the break out of shock waves across political circles in Pakistan. The rally was named ‘Azaadi’ (Freedom) and was held at Minar-e-Pakistan in Lahore, a symbol of conservative rightist Pakistani nationalism. ….

Read more » Zafar Imam » The Biased Blog

Christian Fundos!

My Life as a Daughter in the Christian Patriarchy Movement — How I Was Taught to Obey Men, Birth 8 Kids and Do Battle Against Secular America

We were raised to fight the enemy, be it Satan or environmentalists and feminists; to come against them in spiritual warfare and at the polls.

By Libby Anne

Deep within America, beyond your typical evangelicals and run of the mill fundamentalists, nurtured within the homeschool movement and growing by the day, are the Christian Patriarchy and Quiverfull movements. This is where I grew up.

I learned that women are to be homemakers while men are to be protectors and providers. I was taught that a woman should not have a career, but should rather keep the home and raise the children and submit to her husband, who was her god-given head and authority. I learned that homeschooling is the only godly way to raise children, because to send them to public school is to turn a child over to the government and the secular humanists. I was taught that children must be trained up in the way they should go every minute of every day. I learned that a woman is always under male authority, first her father, then her husband, and perhaps, someday, her son. I was told that children are always a blessing, and that it was imperative to raise up quivers full of warriors for Christ, equipped to take back the culture and restore it to its Christian foundations. …

Read more → butterfliesandwheels

via → AlterNet

Is Democracy as We Know It on Its Way Out?

By Frank Viviano

A decade ago, only paranoid alarmists would have posed that question.

 Today, it may be an expression of cold, brutal realism.

Is Western democracy coming apart at the seams? A decade ago, only paranoid alarmists would have posed that question.

 Today, it may be an expression of cold, brutal realism.

On both sides of the Atlantic — from the fires that raged in large stretches of London, to the political chicanery that brought the U.S. economy to its knees in early August — the institutional framework that came to define modern democracy in the 19th century is in deep trouble.

The principal organs of financial oversight and management are in tatters. Ferociously xenophobic political movements, an entire constellation of Tea Parties, now play important roles in nearly every European nation, as well as the United States.

Faith in elected leaders and legislatures, the central and defining institutions of democracy, has never been lower.

According to the Pew Research Center, the proportion of the U.S. public expressing trust in the federal government has fallen from just under 80 per cent in the late 1960s to barely 20 per cent today. 


Read more → AlterNet

Welcome to PaKistan: Assaulted for wearing a sleeveless shirt!

by Amir Qureshi

It was only a matter of time anyway. A few days ago, a police officer along with his squad burst into the Nairang Art Gallery and beat up the female curator for wearing a sleeveless dress and interacting with men. The police officer, a SHO, was perturbed by the ‘fahash’ ambience of the place.

After being assaulted the woman and her colleagues who came to her rescue were taken to the police station and booked under an obsolete ordinance.

Nairang Art Gallery is a work of devotion to art, literature, music and design by the iconic architect Nayyer Ali Dada. Some say it’s the modern day’s equivalent of the Pak Tea House – where left-leaning intellectuals come to spend their time. They have a small cafeteria which pays for part of the operating expenses of the art gallery; the rest of the funds are put up by Nayyer Ali Dada. ….


A cup of tea

According to some research a cup of tea without sugar and milk has potential health benefits. Tea without sugar and milk significantly cuts the risk of heart attack, keeps hydration at a healthy level, improves alertness and mood. Studies show that natural plant antioxidants found in tea – called poly phenols have beneficial effects.

The benefits of Tea reduced when sugar and milk added into it

Next to water, people drink tea more than any beverage in the world, particularly in Asia and Europe. Tea is a rich source of many antioxidants. Within thirty to fifty minutes after drinking a cup of brewed tea, blood levels of antioxidants rise by 40 to 50 percent and may last for up to eighty minutes. Black and green tea contains various antioxidants including quercetin and catechins that can reduce the risk of coronary heart artery disease and stroke significantly. Tea also lowers the blood level of homocysteine, a protein compound that is highly damaging to cardiovascular system (heart). But the cardiovascular and anti-cancer benefits of tea (green or black) are substantially reduced if milk and sugar is added to the tea, a practice all too common in Pakistan, India and whole south Asia. This because some ingredients in milk (such as lactalbumin, fatty acids, and calcium) may bind to tea’s antioxidants and phenolic compounds at high temperatures, and reduce their absorption from the digestive tract.