PPP Information Secretary Fauzia Wabha left live show because of PML-N leader Abid Sher Ali’s inappropriate language

PPP Information Secretary Fauzia Wabhab left live show because of PML-N leader Abid Sher Ali’s inappropriate language, tone and wording like Idiot & …  against the Governor of Punjab Salman Taseer

Courtesy: ARY

Source – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bb-Mj0WkNBQ&feature=player_embedded


Abid Sher Ali, PML-N leader

Courtesy: Express TV


via – http://www.siasat.pk/forum/showthread.php?35860-Fauzia-Wahab-left-show-because-of-Abid-Sher-Ali-s-Remarks&s=f15326b6d5d6077c7423a614d89eb2b4

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