by Jamil Junejo, Hyderabad, Sindh
Long March of Awami Tehrik from Kashmore to Karachi designed for multiple agendas is in way with vigor and enthusiasm towards its destinations. We can’t resist the temptation of paying glowing tribute to the marchers, walking in scorching sun, especially to daughters of this soil.
Awami Tehrik enjoys a large amount of proportion in contribution towards nationalist politics of Sindh. Some of the most significant aspects of politics of Awami Tehrik can be summed up thus: To evaluate and the analyze the issues in very scientific manner in light of local and international changing realities and to formulate its policies accordingly ;to highlight and create role of women in politics;to explode the myth that nationalist politics of Sindh is only confined to the parties and groups affiliated with ideology of Saeen G.M Sayed and to discard the impression that the from and manifestation of nationalist politics determined by G.M Sayed’s affiliated groups is final an determintal ; to integrate art with politics where by producing it vigiour,enthususiasm,spirit and charm;to create a reasonable and balanced blending of various existing political trends in Sindh viz, democratic, leftist and nationalist into its slogan of Qomi, Awami, Jamhoori, Tabqati Inqalab; and to promote trend of ideological orientation and training into politics.
Awami Tehrik has been using different tools of struggles on different times in accordance with ground realities and nature of situation. One among the is Long March.It has staged various marches on various issues in political history and struggle of Sindh. Currently, it is engaged in March started from Kashmore and to be culminated in Karachi.This march doent seems to be so much result oriented and effective.It could not seem to occupy wider space into the discussions made into political and intellectual circles of Sindh, could not seem to win wider public affiliation and participation, support of other political parties and other civil society components .there are multiple reason behind this backdrop. Let’s discuss some them precisely.
1. Movements held in military regimes win wider support of various circles of Society. Actions made by military dictators have stronger reactions.Similarly Movements held in Sindh in military and Non PPP regimes earn larger public and institutional support .various parties, media, and other sections of civil society work in collaboration and in loose and strong networking. Currently such situation is lacking for Awami Tehrik.The thing which adds to this situations is that our nationalist parties lack art of launching the struggles and movements into “democratic regimes”.
2. Regrettably, the issues and agendas to be marched on by Awami Tehrik are not on priority list of general masses, despite their high significance and national importance. There has been existing priorty imbalance between the priorities of political parties and general public of Sindh.In oredr to to be successful parites will have to create priorty balance. They will to address issues of general public, besides issues of national impotence.
3. Unlike its previous March against Kala Bag Dam, this March has various agendas. Multiplicity of agendas has neutralized its effect. Single, clear and strong agenda must have made it more effective .It is notable that our parties are failing to identify the relationship between channels of struggles and nature of issues. A march is decisive and almost final tool of struggle in peaceful movements. Therefore, March must have a single agenda decisive for authorities .Some days ago and nationalist parity observed one day token strike for sovereignty of Sindh. How can it be justified that matter of autonomy of such towering importance and significance will be solved by one token strike. Are form and isuu compatible with each other? These practices have neutralized effects of tools of struggles and politics .A form of struggle varies in light of nature of issues. Therefore, Form of struggles for any any issue should be carfely selected
Besides, rising military attack, the issue of high intensity has overshadowed the various issues in Pakistan including March of Awami Tehrik. However this march will yield numerous results into form of creating public awareness, mobilizing massees, creating freshness in politics, and strengthening nationalist politics etc