In Ancient Sindh the urine was used as medicine!

In ancient Sindh or Indus Civilization, the urine of a young child or a young cow was important medicine.  Ancestors used it as antiseptic mouth wash or to whiten their teeth, sterilize their wounds and had drunk it with the hope that it will cure their ailments. It may not be our cup of morning tea but many well known leaders called it “urine cure“. Gandhi Ji, the leader of Indian congress and Muraji de sai, the former Prime Minister of India were using it for the practice called Urophagia.

One thought on “In Ancient Sindh the urine was used as medicine!”

  1. Urophagia has some wonderful cure for skin disorders, mouth ulcers, any type of wounds, hyperacidity(heart burn).

    A book on Urine-Therapy by Manibhai Patel a decade or two earlier had made waves. Auto-urine as a mouth wash for smokers, tobacco chewers may be a clue to fight cancer.

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