Tag Archives: report

Top US military commanders in Afghanistan are seeking to expand ground raids by Special Operations Forces across the border in Pakistan’s tribal areas, The New York Times reported

US seeking to expand raids into Pakistan

WASHINGTON: Top US military commanders in Afghanistan are seeking to expand ground raids by Special Operations Forces across the border in Pakistan’s tribal areas, The New York Times reported Monday.

Amid growing US frustration with Pakistan’s lackluster efforts at removing militants from strongholds there, the officials are proposing to escalate military activities in the nuclear-armed nation, the Times said in its online edition.

US forces have been largely restricted to limited covert operations and unmanned drone strikes in Pakistan due to fears of retaliation from a population that often holds strong anti-American sentiment in a country rife with militants.

Even these limited operations have provoked angry reactions from Pakistani officials. The drones are believed to be largely operated by the CIA.

Read more : DAWN

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End Game Has Started, for details : BBC urdu

Al Qaeda using Facebook to enlist ‘Friends’

By Jana Winter

EXCLUSIVE: If you’re on Facebook, Al Qaeda wants to friend you.

Terrorist groups are using Facebook to share operational information and to target, recruit and radicalize members of the general public, according to a Department of Homeland Security report obtained by FoxNews.com.

The DHS report, “Terrorist Use of Social Networking Sites: Facebook Case Study,” notes while terrorists have been using social networking sites for quite some time, their strategies for exploiting Facebook have evolved and that they have learned “the inherent value in exploiting a non-ideological medium.”

According to the November report, terrorists and jihadists use Facebook as:

— a way to share operational and tactical information, including bomb recipes and weapons maintenance;

— a gateway to extremist forums;

— a media outlet for propaganda;

— a source of remote reconnaissance for targeting purposes.

“Every person who connects to the Internet with a computer needs to take this issue seriously,” says Steve Graham, senior director for EC Council, a cybersecurity certification membership organization. “Reports like this show we are figuratively sitting next to terrorists. So are our friends, our kids and anyone else who types http://www.”

Read more: Fox News

Pakistan: Mistreatment with Minorities increased in the era of dictator general Zia and the same mistreatment is still continue

Amnesty International Report 2010 – Millions of Pakistanis suffered abuses. Pakistani Taliban and other extremist groups targeted civilians and minorities throughout the country, while security forces used indiscriminate and disproportionate force and carried out suspected extrajudicial executions. In areas controlled by the Pakistani Taliban and allied armed groups, civilians faced severe abuses, including arbitrary arrest and detention; torture and other ill-treatment; a near total absence of due judicial process; stringent restrictions on freedom of expression and assembly; religious and ethnic discrimination; and violence and discrimination against women and girls. Violence against minorities increased, with the government failing to prevent attacks or punish perpetrators. There were no executions, although 276 people were sentenced to death. – Pakistan 28 May 2010 Christian minority member Fanish Masih, aged 19, was found dead on 15 September in Sialkot prison where he had been held in solitary confinement. Prison authorities claimed that he had committed suicide but his relatives reportedly noted bruises consistent with torture on his forehead, arms and legs. Three prison officials were suspended for negligence, but no criminal charges were brought against them.

Source – You Tube

A new report of Matt Waldman accusing Pakistan’s Spy agency of funding and training Taliban

Matt Waldman, a fellow at Harvard University, is the author of a new report accusing Pakistan’s Spy agency of funding and training Taliban. In an interview with Al Jazeera, Waldman discusses his methodology and the reasons why Pakistan might view the Taliban as an ally.

Courtesy: Al Jazeera – YouTube Link

India is worse than Pakistan on gender equality

by Aradhana Sharma

NEW DELHI: Believe it or not when it comes to gender inequities India fares worse than Pakistan. In fact, the country fares lower than all other countries in South Asia save Afghanistan. These are the findings of the 2010 Human Development Report released by the United Nations Development Programme on Thursday as per its Gender Inequality Index.

So while Pakistan may be in the news for its treatment of women and might have become a hot bed for international women’s activism, it certainly seems to know how to take care of its mothers better. On maternal mortality, India — with its abysmal record — trails Pakistan. …
Read more :  The Times of India

Yaa pass ker ya bardasht ker (either overtake or tolerate)

Jatoi and Jackboots – by Ayesha Siddiqa

The former minister of state for defence production Abdul Qayyum Jatoi is our version of Indian actor Salman Khan — punished and harassed for saying things which are on everyone’s mind. Although one can have an issue with his style that may not be extremely palatable to the educated urbanite, there was nothing exceptionally sacrilegious in what he said. Isn’t it true that we pay the military for defending our borders? Isn’t this a historical fact that the armed forces have used excessive power against their own people despite the fact that they are trained to fight an external threat? There shouldn’t be any issue with the fact that the army killed Nawab Akbar Bugti. Go ask Pervez Musharraf and he will give the details as he is fond of doing these days. As for Benazir Bhutto’s killing the UN Commission report says a lot about that which the foreign minister has chosen to ignore for understandable reasons.

I don’t see the reason for people taking offence to the minister’s statement regarding corruption being everyone’s right because if we were to decipher this well, what he meant was that distribution of resources should be more equal. Some region’s people get more opportunities, both legal and illegal, to exploit resources. Surely, he said it most crudely as he did with the issue of the chief justice’s domicile. All he was probably trying to say was that the chief justice did not become an indigenous Baloch, just like hundreds of others who have used a Baloch domicile to get a job in the government. Let’s face it, having the right kind of domicile makes a world of difference in getting into the bureaucracy.

Qayyum Jatoi is certainly not madder than Musharraf. In fact, both men are quite sane. While the former president seems to be selectively spilling the beans to market his capacity for governing the state, Jatoi’s ramblings were meant to deliver a message to the judges and jackboots about the present PPP leadership’s capacity to fight back. The option for the military establishment is best indicated in an Urdu sentence written on the backs of many a truck that plies on G T Road — it says ‘Ya pass ker ya bardasht ker’ (either overtake or tolerate). The GHQ can either overthrow the present political setup through some older methods (as applied in the case of the two Bhuttos) or continue with some signaling to the political leadership. …

Read more : The Express Tribune

FIA report … Murder of Benazir Bhutto

FIA report – Dawn Editorial

At the very least, the country deserves to know who ordered her killing. And yet with her own party in power, little has been done to find her killers.

So it seems that it was Baitullah Mehsud who ordered the killing of Benazir Bhutto after all, at least if an interim report submitted by the FIA in the Rawalpindi anti-terrorism court is to be believed. Two and a half years since the tragic assassination of Ms Bhutto, the state seems to be arguing what was argued within days of the assassination by the Musharraf government: that the TTP was responsible for Ms Bhutto’s death. That is certainly possible. After all, Ms Bhutto was returning to Pakistan with the support of the American and British administrations because they hoped the PPP leader would shore up the fight against militants here. Mehsud had every reason to fear her return.

Continue reading FIA report … Murder of Benazir Bhutto

Bibi’s Murder and The Establishment

by Mohammad Ali Mahar, Austin, TX

Current hoopla about Gen. Nadeem Ejaz being questioned regarding the murder of Benazir Bhutto, and accusations of his involvement in the murder of Bugti and terrorizing/ torturing other politicians, makes it look as though Ejaz is the only serving ‘establishment’ officer in the history of the country to have resorted to the vicious antics.

Hamida Ghangro, the wife of Shaheed Nazir Abbasi, and all the other evidence presented so far, have been pointing at Brig. Billa, for mercilessly torturing Abbasi to death during Zia’s dark days. Has there been any action against him? Not even a suo moto action from the ‘independent’ judiciary. Not only does the murderer Brigadier enjoy the complete immunity, he is free to insult our intelligence via establishment- sponsored TV talk shows. Na mudaee na shahadat hisaab paak hua – yeh khoon-i-khaak nasheenan thaa rizk-i-khaak hua…..

Those hoping to see Gen. Nadeem and others murderers/ collaborator of Ms. Bhutto’s assassination from within the ‘establishment’ taken to task, must not forget that in the land of the pure, even a petty captain is free to commit any crime he wants with complete impunity.

Does anyone know if any action, even after the change in the army command, has been taken against Captain Hammad, involved in the rape of a lady doctor in Sui, Baluchistan?

Courtesy: Sindh e-lists, May 06, 2010

Benazir assassination case and the establishment

by: Munwar S.

Now the seasonal frogs have appeared again in the form of A, B, C and Q leagues. These slaves of intelligence agencies are talking all possible non-sense. They are creating ground for the overthrow of elected government as usual to appease their masters and fathers. PPP folks are weak due to their inefficiency as well as the pressure of establishment. What I see is that if PPP starts or dares to investigate .. and intelligence agency monsters in the BiBi case, its government will be overthrown on so many accounts which nobody would think of, as usual. Now we also know the real face of Judiciary which has never been independent rather responsible for the death of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and thousands other innocent people. Things won’t solve anyways without a decisive battle between cruel forces and the innocent people which PPP should get ready for if they want to save people and themselves. Because people will have to do it eventually, sooner the better.

Courtesy: Sindhi e-Lists, May 5, 2010

Musharraf aide calls UN’s Bhutto report ‘lies’


The three-member UN panel said her death could have been avoided if Musharraf’s government and various security agencies had taken adequate measures. It also found that the probe into her death was deliberately hampered by intelligence agencies and other officials.

But Rashid Qureshi, a Musharraf aide, insisted that the UN report was based on rumors and that Musharraf was in no way responsible.

”This chief UN investigator was not the relative of Sherlock Homes,” Qureshi said, noting that Musharraf himself had been the target of suicide attackers.

The head of the country’s most powerful spy agency, Inter-Services Intelligence, warned Bhutto not to attend the rally because of looming threats of an attack, Qureshi said.

”But Benazir Bhutto and her chief security officer Rehman Malik decided to go ahead with their planned election rally,” Qureshi said. ”It was Benazir Bhutto who exposed herself to the attacker.”

Friday, 16 Apr, 2010

Courtesy- http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/news/pakistan/03-musharraf-aide-calls-uns-bhutto-report-lies-ss-04

Selig Harrison’s “Pakistan – The State of the Union” report

Forwarded by: KHalid Hashmani (McLean, Virginia, USA)

Selig Harrison’s “Pakistan – The State of the Union” report

is worth reading by the ruling elite and the military boys in Punjab. It show how many of the problems that the country faces can be linked to the usurping of funds from Baluchistan and Sindh for development of the military and Punjab in general.

There has been enormous waste and amazing diversion of development and military funds to areas that was definitely not intended.

Harrison for example states that since 1954 $17.5 Billion in military aid has been given to Pakistan, making it into a behemoth uncontrollable by civilian governments. Where has the money gone? Some of this is known of course. $ 40-80 M spent on each of the F-16 fighter planes that young men fly to burn jet fuel knowing pretty well that they cannot be used in combat against India. Meanwhile 3M Swatis suffer due to lack of timely action by the military against the insurgents.

Will the new military and development aid coming to Pk as promised by Obama and his men be properly accounted for? This will not happen unless the Americans set up an accounting office here and make sure that it can verify each item, for in the past there has been much swindling and diversion. Then again, maybe not, as the last website below shows.

But the demand for aid, loan write-off and handouts is spurious because, as the Harrison report again points out, the military own nearly $ 38 B in assets such as Fauji Foundation, Askari Bank, etc. These assets need to be privatized and money received should be used to payoff loans or help real development rather than pump that money into the army’s coffers or spent on Punjab’s development.

Meanwhile, in the “ever-efficient” USA…

The financial news media focuses on the “green shoots” of the economy. Well, when you pump a few trillion into the economy, you should get something for it. But one thing we’re not getting is accountability. Already, over 1/3 of a trillion of the bailout money is being declared “missing in action.” And the official responsible considers it a joke.


The Pakistani media remains quiet about this. This is partly because the media owners gain from the exploitation of the minority provinces and also because they do not wish to annoy the establishment. On top of this, top journalists have been bought by the government agencies – some of you will have read about the free plots being given away to them to keep them toeing the government line.

There is a need for an alternative media in Pakistan, largely available via the Net. But here one cannot just rely on volunteers. Checking and editing of reports is essential (and expensive) or else one will almost certain end up with disinformation, as often served by Taliban-lovers like Ansar Abbasi, Hamid Mir and Kamran Khan, and a whole lot of other easily corruptible journos who seem to have taken over the electronic and print media.

Funding for a reliable alternative media outlets should be the top priority for those who wish Pakistan well.

Finally Sister and Brothers please read in detail the recommendation of Harrison, but for your convenience here are the 12 points:

1. Support Civilian Governance

2. Promote Demilitarization

3. Encourage respect for the Constitution

4. Pushtunize the war against Al Qaeda

5. Earmark US aid for Sind and Balochistan

6. Make Defense Spending transparent

7. Set the stage for negotiations with the Baluch

8. Implement the 1973 Constitution

9. End economic exploitation of the minority provinces

10. Empower local government

11. Recognize ethnic identitites

12. Strengthen the power of the Senate

Courtesy: http://www.ciponline.org/asia/reports/pakistan _the_state_ of_the_union.pdf