Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to automate certain tasks and processes, which could potentially lead to the replacement of some jobs by AI. However, it is important to note that AI is not designed to replace human workers but rather to augment their capabilities and improve efficiency. While some jobs may be automated or made redundant by AI, it is likely that new jobs will also be created as a result of the development and implementation of AI technology.
In general, it is important for professionals to continuously update their skills and knowledge to stay relevant in a rapidly changing economy. This may involve learning new technologies, such as AI, and developing expertise in areas that are in high demand.
Tag Archives: Jobs
Across the aisle: Letter to the Prime Minister
I read that there are 85 lakh persons registered with the employment exchanges in Tamil Nadu. If we extrapolate that number for the whole country, don’t you agree that the situation is alarming?
Written by P Chidambaram
Dear Mr Prime Minister,
I am an average citizen. I belong to an average family, had an average education, live in an average town, hold an average job, and have average ambitions. I am aware that because I am the son of a school teacher, hold a bachelor’s degree (second class) and have a job, I may actually be above the average. It only shows how low the average is.
In the last week, my fellow citizens and I have been bombarded with editorials, columns, statements, interviews, blogs, tweets and what not, and I am quite confused. I thought your letter of May 26 that appeared in all newspapers would put things in perspective but, I am afraid, it left me more confused. So, please bear with me while I ask you a few questions.
Where are the Jobs?
My first question is, how is the economy doing? To me and my children, and to all families on our street, the most important concern is jobs. Will you please tell us the number of jobs that were created in the first year of your government? The numbers I have seen are a little over one lakh of jobs every quarter, so that makes a grand total of 4 to 5 lakh jobs in the whole year. I also read that there are 85 lakh persons registered with the employment exchanges in Tamil Nadu. If we extrapolate that number for the whole country, don’t you agree that the situation is alarming? So, please tell us the truth about jobs.
That takes me to the next question, who is creating the jobs? My neighbour who teaches economics in the local government college told me that no real new jobs can be created in farming. She thinks that only if more people start new businesses, and more large plants are built to produce power or steel or cars or mobile phones or anything, will there be more direct and indirect jobs. She said the key word is investment and encouraged me to ask you what were the amounts invested in the last year by the public sector enterprises and the private sector, what is the number of jobs they expect to add once the projects go into production, and when. By the way, why don’t we see advertisements of a bhumi puja or an inauguration of a big project costing a few thousand crore rupees as we used to do a few years ago?
Read more » Indian Express
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Demands of Canadians – Raise Corporate Taxes, Create Jobs, Raise Wages and Living Standards! Curb Corporate Power!
Raise Corporate Taxes, Create Jobs, Raise Wages and Living Standards! Curb Corporate Power!
The CPC (Ontario) has condemned the Ontario Budget, delivered yesterday, as a massive attack on working people and the poor that will destroy tens of thousands of jobs, drive down wages, pensions, incomes and living standards, and which, combined with the austerity measures in Thursday’s federal budget, could push the province into another deep economic recession.
The Executive Committee of the CPC (Ontario) also warned that the threat of legislated wage controls is a dangerous attack on free collective bargaining and on civil and democratic rights.
Boston – People’s Parade for Peace, Equality, Jobs, Social & Economic Justice
St. Patrick’s Peace Parade, When: Sunday, March 18, 2012, 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm. Where: assemble on D Street between 1st and 3rd Street • Broadway MBTA stop • South Boston
Please join Veterans For Peace and other Peace and social / economic Justice organizations for this historic 2nd Annual “People’s Peace Parade” in South Boston.
Themes for the Day:
How is the War Economy Working for You
Bring the Troops Home and Take Care of Them When They Get Here
Cut Military Spending, Save Jobs, Teachers, Fireman & Police
Peace Is Patriotic! Not a Dirty Word
No War on Iran
Last year, Veterans For Peace were denied permission to walk in South Boston’s traditional St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The stated reason given by the Allied War Veterans Council was that the organizers “did not want the word peace associated with the word veteran”. ….
Read more » United for Justice with Peace (UJP)
Quota System
In order to remove inequalities in the recruitment in various organizations and corporations and also provide constitutional share to all small provinces in jobs, quota system was introduced in the 1973 constitution because of the fact that before this, the backward areas and small provinces had been neglected deliberately in the recruitment of all categories of jobs by the bureaucrats belonging to the big province Punjab as they were holding the senior positions since the partition of the subcontinent and also particularly after the imposition of one Unit system in 1955 and making Lahore as the capital of four provinces of west Pakistan Continue reading Quota System
Occupy protesters prepare for day of ‘solidarity’ across US
Series of events planned to support evicted Zuccotti Park activists by highlighting growing inequality and need for jobs
by Paul Harris in New York
Supporters of the Occupy movement are gearing up for a national day of protest and direct action across America, taking in dozens of events from New York to Chicago to Los Angeles.
Thursday has been declared a day of “solidarity” with the Occupy Wall Street activists in New York after their camp in lower Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park was raided and dismantled by police. But it is also aimed at highlighting several of the movement’s broader aims in terms of income inequality and a desperate need for job creation in America’s floundering economy. …
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Desis stay away from Occupy Wall Street
by Dr. Qaisar Abbas
While the American silent majority has spoken lodging its protest throughout America, the so-called model minority of Desis seems to be in a state of perpetual silence. The affluent are part of a capitalist system which they cannot afford to oppose anyway. On the other hand, the disadvantaged communities of the diaspora are so isolated from the American society; they do not feel to be part of a grassroots movement …
…. The grassroots agitation against the exploitative capitalist system is challenging the powerful businessmen, financial institutions and politicians in the United States. The recent issue of the progressive journal “The Nation” reports the deplorable economic conditions in the United States in these figures:
- Twenty five million Americans are unemployed who are desperately looking for jobs
- While corporate CEOs are paid handsomely, wages of 70% Americans without college education are declining
- One in 6 American lives below the poverty line
- One in four homes, considered to be the largest asset for most Americans, is at the verge of foreclosure and eviction by banks for nonpayment of mortgage loans
- Fifty million people are unable to afford health insurance as healthcare costs are soaring
- The economy works well for the rich 1% who control 40% of the wealth
- Multinationals have conveniently transferred domestic jobs in other countries to reduce production costs
- The rising cost of education is becoming unbearable for youth and they are burdened with a record high education loans ….
Read more » ViewPoint
Steve Jobs
” Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” – (Steve Jobs)
Occupy Wall Street rediscovers the radical imagination
– The young people protesting in Wall Street and beyond reject this vain economic order. They have come to reclaim the future
• Police tactics attacked as officers pepper-spray women
• Occupy Wall Street: the protesters speak
Why are people occupying Wall Street? Why has the occupation – despite the latest police crackdown – sent out sparks across America, within days, inspiring hundreds of people to send pizzas, money, equipment and, now, to start their own movements called OccupyChicago, OccupyFlorida, in OccupyDenver or OccupyLA?
There are obvious reasons. We are watching the beginnings of the defiant self-assertion of a new generation of Americans, a generation who are looking forward to finishing their education with no jobs, no future, but still saddled with enormous and unforgivable debt. Most, I found, were of working-class or otherwise modest backgrounds, kids who did exactly what they were told they should: studied, got into college, and are now not just being punished for it, but humiliated – faced with a life of being treated as deadbeats, moral reprobates.
Is it really surprising they would like to have a word with the financial magnates who stole their future?
Just as in Europe, we are seeing the results of colossal social failure. The occupiers are the very sort of people, brimming with ideas, whose energies a healthy society would be marshaling to improve life for everyone. Instead, they are using it to envision ways to bring the whole system down. ….
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via → guardian news blog → YouTube
In the US, where 45 per cent of young African Americans have no jobs and the top hedge-fund managers are paid $1bn a year on average, mass protests against cuts in services & jobs have spread to heartland states such as Wisconsin
– Behind the Arab revolt lurks a word we dare not speak
BY John Pilger
The people of Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, Algeria, Yemen, Jordan and Libya are rising up not only against their leaders, but also western economic tyranny. …
Read more : NewStatesman
US graduates heading to India for jobs
Breaking tradition, top American graduates are heading to India to find jobs and opportunity. Many believe that having experience in India is an important addition to their resume in this increasingly globalized world. Some say that its easier to find a good job in India than in the United States, as India’s economy is growing while the US economy is predicted to shrink within the next year.
via Globeistan – YouTube Link
Sindhies Denied Job Opportunities in Oil and Gas sector of Sindh
By Khalid Hashmani, McLean, Virginia, USA
It would really be shameful if the same kind of discrimination and job denial practices against native Sindhis are still prevailing in Sindh’s oil and gas sector as before the current people’s government came into power. I believe that the time is now to put pressure on the current government to appoint native Sindhis and native Baluch to head all government controlled oil and gas organizations in Sindh and Balochistan respectively. We should also write to the Board of Directors (BOD) of the multi-national and other Pakistani oil and gas companies to have affirmative action programs in their organizations to recruit and promote native people and meet their civil society obligations to local areas/people.
Continue reading Sindhies Denied Job Opportunities in Oil and Gas sector of Sindh