Tag Archives: Washington

Amnesty International Is Concerned With the Growing Number of Crimes Committed Against Muslims

Washington, D.C. –  Amnesty International U.S.A. (AIUSA) is deeply concerned about the growing number of reports of crimes committed against Muslims and of other anti-Muslim sentiment and activity in the United States.

AIUSA deplores the stabbing of a Muslim cab driver in New York, the arson attack against a mosque construction site in Tennessee and the vandalizing of an Islamic center in California.

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Israel has ‘eight days’ to hit Iran nuclear site

WASHINGTON: Israel has “eight days” to launch a military strike against Iran’s Bushehr nuclear facility and stop Tehran from acquiring a functioning atomic plant, a former US envoy to the UN has said.

Iran is to bring online its first nuclear power reactor, built with Russia’s help, on August 21, when a shipment of nuclear fuel will be loaded into the plant’s core.

At that point, John Bolton warned Monday, it will be too late for Israel to launch a military strike against the facility because any attack would spread radiation and affect Iranian civilians.

“Once that uranium, once those fuel rods are very close to the reactor, certainly once they’re in the reactor, attacking it means a release of radiation, no question about it,” Bolton told Fox Business Network.

“So if Israel is going to do anything against Bushehr it has to move in the next eight days.”

Read more >> DAWN

On Shaping The History Of Pakistan

By Tahir Qazi, MD

The 14th of August 2010 marks 63rd birthday of Pakistan. On the first day of August, the Ambassador of Pakistan to the US confidently announced on CNN, “When I go back to being a professor, I will certainly teach history but right now, I’m working along with my colleagues in the US government and trying to shape history ….” The statement bears an awe inspiring elitism and intellectual arrogance.

The age of Twitter has distorted the Pakistani Ambassador’s sense of history and historic processes. Deluded into thinking that he is shaping history, he does not realize that Pakistan is bobbing in the ocean of history whose currents he does not and cannot control; to paraphrase famous remarks of German chancellor Bismark.

Nonetheless, the statement rings an odd truth about Pakistan that the history of Pakistan is mostly ‘Made in America’. Pakistani leaders have been trying to shape the history of their nation for a long time from Jeddah to London to Washington, virtually from everywhere but Pakistan.

Read more >> Countercurrents.org

Sindhi-American’s Letter to President Obama

The White House, Office of the President, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20500

Honorable President Barack Obama,

The floodwaters have risen in Sindh-Pakistan for the past week. Roughly 20 million people have been affected, losing their homes, livelihoods, villages and loved ones. 1600 people have died, two million are homeless, 36,000 are suffering from waterborne illnesses and 2,439 villages have been totally destroyed. This natural disaster has been compared to and believed to exceed in magnitude that of the Sri Lankan Tsunami, the Haiti Earthquake and our own Hurricane Katrina- and the situation is worsening by the hour as the monsoon season continues.

The Sindhi American Political Action Committee, on behalf of the Sindhi-American Community, wishes for you and your administration to fully understand the urgency of this situation and the limited impact that foreign aid (including our own) has made to relieve this crisis. Pakistan is no doubt grateful for the assistance so far provided- $73 million in aid, food, shelter and fresh water for those displaced, and the help of American service men and women have helped hundreds survive the flood. Sindhis, however, remain fearful.

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SAPAC’s First Annual Get together in Washington

Munawar Laghari

Washington : The Sindhi American Political Action Committee (SAPAC) is pleased to extend an invitation to it’s First Anniversary Banquet Dinner, September 23, 2010, 6-10pm, Phoenix Park Hotel, 520 North Capital St, NW, Washington, DC- 20001

Please join SAPAC for a celebration of it’s first year working to Save Sindh, and for an exciting program with exceptional speakers:

Guest of Honor: Representative Brad Sherman (D-CA), Guest of Honor: Representative Dan Burton (R-IN), Guest Speaker: Ms. Malou Innocent (Cato Institute), Guest Speaker: Dr. Asoka Bandarage (National Advisory Council, Georgetown University)

Members of the Sindh and Baloch Communities will also be sharing their views on the US-PK relationship, providing Honored Guests with valuable insight regarding the current situation across the region. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to speak alongside SAPAC with influential policy makers on behalf of your people! You could make a pivotal difference in future US-PK Policy!

Afghan errors spill into Pakistan – By Haroon Siddiqui

……. All this is at odds with the bilateral goal of cooperating over Afghanistan. And it has convinced Pakistan to look after its interests in post-NATO Afghanistan.

It is thus pushing its own “Taliban” — two warlords, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and Jalaluddin Haqqani. The names are familiar because they were part of the seven pro-American, CIA-backed mujahideen groups that overturned the 1980-88 Soviet occupation.

Both these Pakistani “assets” live in North Waziristan under Pakistani protection. That Haqqani’s son, Sirajuddin, is on America’s most wanted list is a matter of minor inconvenience. Thus this response from Obama to Pakistan’s overtures: “I think we have to view these efforts with skepticism but also with openness.”

Afghanistan’s war is being lost in Pakistan, says Shuja Nawaz of the Washington-based Atlantic Council, who has just released a thoughtful analysis of the American-Pakistani relationship. He argues for attending to all the above irritants.

Nawaz also notes that America’s NATO allies “have been missing in action in Pakistan.”

Canada could have a carved out a special diplomatic role for itself, leading to our departure from Afghanistan next year. But Harper has taken a pass.

To Read full article >> TORONTO STAR

The Sindhi society is not a hate society that dislikes others. Their opposition to mass migration towards Sindh is due to their natural desire to survive as a nation in their historic land

Washington Sindhis Get-together with Nazir Essani and Discussion on Sindhi Challenges

by: Khalid Hashmani

On June 12, 2009, several members of Sindhi community of the Washington D.C. area had a get-together with a visiting Sindhi Social Development consultant Mr. Nazir Essani at a local restaurant. Apart from customary introductions, the group had an excellent discussion session about the current situation in Sindh and the challenges that must be met by Sindhis to survive as a nation. Those who participated in the discussion included Nazir Jawaid Bhutto, Essani, Khalid Hashmani, Ali Nawaz Memon, Sarfraz Memon, Hanif Sangi, Aijaz Sindhi, and Iqbal Tareen.

Continue reading The Sindhi society is not a hate society that dislikes others. Their opposition to mass migration towards Sindh is due to their natural desire to survive as a nation in their historic land

A Sanctuary for Terror

The militants wage war in Afghanistan while using Pakistan as a place for rest, recuperation and recruitment.


Perhaps the most surprising thing about the so-called Afghanistan war logs released by WikiLeaks Sunday is our continued capacity to be shocked. That the war isn’t going as well as advertised is already painfully evident—last week alone, the Taliban kidnapped two American sailors and killed five soldiers. Allegations of Pakistani double-dealing—of accepting a torrent of American dollars with one hand while arming and sheltering the Taliban with the other—are hardly new.


Pakistan Aids Insurgency in Afghanistan, Reports Assert


Americans fighting the war in Afghanistan have long harbored strong suspicions that Pakistan’s military spy service has guided the Afghan insurgency with a hidden hand, even as Pakistan receives more than $1 billion a year from Washington for its help combating the militants, according to a trove of secret military field reports made public Sunday.

The documents, made available by an organization called WikiLeaks, suggest that Pakistan, an ostensible ally of the United States, allows representatives of its spy service to meet directly with the Taliban in secret strategy sessions to organize networks of militant groups that fight against American soldiers in Afghanistan, and even hatch plots to assassinate Afghan leaders. …

Read more >> The New York Times

Sindhi American Political Action Committee support Representative Dan Burton

Washington, DC- Representatives of the Sindhi American Political Action Committee were pleased to support Representative Dan Burton (R-IN) at a campaign fundraiser held July 22, 2010 in Washington, DC. Congressman Burton serves as a ranking member on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs’ Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia and is Co-Chairman of the Pakistan Caucus, where he has consistently acted as a stalwart for human rights.

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A Sindhi Delegation led by Dr. Magsi meets US Officials in Washington D. C.

By Khalid Hashmani

Washington, D. C. — A Sindhi delegation held two separate meetings with US officials on Thursday, July 22, 2010,in Washington DC. The delegation was led by Dr. Magsi, Chairman of Sindh Taraqi Pasand party (STP), and included Mr. Zulfiqar Halepoto (Senior Policy Advisor to one of the largest Sindhi NGO “Thardeep”), and Mr. Khalid Hashmani (Coordinator of Washington DC-based Sindhi Excellence Team).

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One Sindh – Two Perspectives

Washington Sindhi Sham with Jami Chandio and Sardar Shah

by Khalid Hashmani, McLean, Virginia, USA

Once again, Sindhis of Washington DC were fortunate to spend a delicious evening with two visitors of Sindh. The gracious host of the evening was  Iqbal Tareen and the two the visitors included a well-known writer and political thinker Jamie Chandio and inspiring poet Sardar Shah. The popularity of the event could be gauged by the fact several people came to meet Jami and Sardar in spite of the fact that Tuesday (July 13) was not only a week day but the rain and lightening made driving conditions rather harsh. One could see that Jamie had made many friends in Washington DC since last year he lived here for several months doing research and analysis sponsored by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

One Sindh and Two Perspectives

As usual the Sindhi katchahery (heart-to-heart chit-chat) moved from one topic to another. The optimism of Jami that Sindhis were gaining ground in every city and town surprised many. He stated that the use of Sindhi language and pride in Sindhi culture was on upswing. He said even though the present government has yet to deliver on its promises to Sindhis, the discriminatory policies of Musharraf had ended. This was rather a surprise to some including me as our observations were that there was a immense shortage of Sindhi-medium schools in large cities of Sindh such as Karachi, Hyderabad, and even in Larkano. The fast take over by private school systems such Citizen Foundation of education has made Urdu and English as primary medium-of-instruction in large cities and towns of Sindh while leaving the Sindhi language on backbenches. Another topic of discussion centered on contributions and political mistakes of G. M. Syed and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. The contribution of G. M. Syed through his writings primarily through his books had played a major role in the awakening of Sindhis to realize that they were a distinct nation were lauded at the gathering. His political mistakes, particularly the warmth he showed to the dictator General Zia ul Haq and formation of MQM was criticized. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was remembered as some one who inspired and awakened common Sindhi and Pakistani men and women to become conscious of their potential. But, then he was also criticized for not accepting Awami League’s majority in elections that ultimately led to the separation of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).

He made us feel poverty and sorrows of Sindhis

However, the epic poem by Sardar Shah that he wrote about the simplicities and complexities of Sindh after some one had asked him where he had come from became the highlight of the evening. Sardar literally took us through the valleys, hills, and deserts of Sindh; he introduced us to poets, writers, farmers, waderas, students and small shopkeepers of the home-land; he made us walk through rain, sunshine, floods, droughts, and disappearing mangroves of Indus delta; he made us feel the poverty, sorrows and exploitation of Sindhis; and finally took us to the journey of determination, inspiration, and hopes of his people.

Indeed, it was an evening of Sindhiat that kept me awake long after we left the katchahery and said good by to our Sindhi visitors.

Courtesy: Sindhi e-lists/ e-groups, July 18, 2010.

Nawaz Sharif on Pakistan’s foreign policy, India, Afghanistan, democracy and other issues

Former prime minister of Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif with Najam Sethi on Pakistan’s foreign policy, India, Afghanistan,  democracy and other issues. The language of interview is Urdu (Hindi).

Courtesy: Dunya TV-Tonight With Najam Sethi-05-07-2010-11 >> ZemTV


Afghanistan war may be lost in Pakistan: US think tank

The Afghanistan war may be lost in a home-grown insurgency hit Pakistan unless US takes some ‘game-changing steps’ including talks on an India like civil nuclear deal, suggests a US think tank.

‘The Afghanistan war may be lost on the battlefields of Pakistan, where a vicious conflict is now being fought by Pakistan against a home-grown insurgency spawned by the war across its Western frontier,’ said the Atlantic Council of the United States in a report released Monday.

Nothing the the US and Pakistan appear to have different objectives, the report ‘Pakistan in the Danger Zone’ by Shuja Nawaz, director of the council’s South Asia Centre said: ‘The US is looking for a safe military exit out of a stabilised Afghanistan while ensuring that Al Qaeda does not re-emerge.

Read more >>- SifyNews

A Prominent Sindhi rights activist Munawar Laghari met U.S. Vice President Joe Biden

Munawar Laghari

Washington, DC : (29 June 2010) : Representatives of the Sindh and Baloch communities attended on Friday, June 25th a fundraising luncheon for Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) in Milwaukee, WI. Munawar Laghari, the Sindhi rights activist and the executive director of Sindhi monitor was also  present at this luncheon in support of Senator Feingold’s reelection was the Vice President of America, the Honorable Mr. Joseph Biden.

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Baloch leader meets Vice President Joe Biden, draw his attention to the Balochistan’s situation.

WASHINGTON, DC: (June 25, 2010) On the eve of United Nation’s International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, the president of Baloch Society of North America (BSO-NA), Dr. Wahid Baloch, met with Vice-President Joe Biden to draw his attention to the gross human right violations, ongoing military operation and enforced involuntary disappearances in Pakistani and Iranian Balochistan. …

Tariq Ali: Afghanistan — `Obama’s war’

By Tariq Ali

[The following talk was given on April 19, 2010, to mark the 30th anniversary of the London Review of Books. It first appeared at Guernica /a magazine of art and politics. It is posted at Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal with Guernica’s permission.]

Afghanistan now is at a critical stage. And now I’m very glad to say that the London Review of Books, whose thirtieth anniversary we are commemorating, has over the years published myself and others on this subject, taking essentially a critical stance to this war because, as many of you will recall, it became fashionable all over the world, not just in the United States, to think of Iraq and Afghanistan as two very different wars. Which of course, on one level, they are. But I mean different moral values were placed on these wars by good-thinking people. The Iraq war was a bad war, which should never have happened; that is the view of large numbers of people in the United States today, and always was the view of an overwhelming majority of Europeans. …

For more >> Links International

Talban take over as when Russians left.

Pakistan Is Said to Pursue a Foothold in Afghanistan



ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Pakistan is exploiting the troubled United States military effort in Afghanistan to drive home a political settlement with Afghanistan that would give Pakistan important influence there but is likely to undermine United States interests, Pakistani and American officials said.

Continue reading Talban take over as when Russians left.

Why Pakistan keeps exporting jihad

By Fareed Zakaria

Washington Post

Faisal Shahzad, the would-be terrorist of Times Square, seems to have followed a familiar path. Like many recruits to jihad, he was middle-class, educated, seemingly assimilated — and then something happened that radicalized him. We may never be sure what made him want to kill innocent men, women and children. But his story shares another important detail with those of many of his predecessors: a connection to Pakistan.

Continue reading Why Pakistan keeps exporting jihad

Washington Kashmir conference Announced

WASHINGTON: May 26, 2010. The Kashmiri-American Council and the Association of Humanitarian Lawyers are to hold their ‘11th Annual International Kashmir Peace Conference’ here on July 29th and July30th, Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai announced here today. Dr. Fai said the principal theme of the conference this year will be ‘”India-Pakistan Relations: Breaking the Deadlock over Kashmir.’

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‘Pakistan is my greatest concern’ – US Vice-President Joe Biden

Washington :  US Vice-President Joe Biden, today said that his greatest concern was not Afghanistan nor threat of Iran turning nuclear but Pakistan, which he said had a significant radicalised population and only a “functional democracy“.

“I think its a big country that has nuclear weapons that are able to be deployed. It has a real significant minority of radicalised population”, Mr. Biden said in an interview to CNN.

Pakistan is not “a completely functional democracy in the sense we think about it, and so that is my greatest concern” the US Vice-President said.

Continue reading ‘Pakistan is my greatest concern’ – US Vice-President Joe Biden

MQM activities!!??

To see MQM delegation’s visit to Washington DC, please click here


by Saifullah Shaikh

We should join discussion and may formulate future strategy of HOW TO CONTEST AN ETHNIC ORGRANIZATION’S aggressive plans to control Sindh particularly Karachi the capital of Sindh. We should not forget that MQM has been trying for Premiership i.e; seat of Prime minister of Pakistan by any means and they are in full gear and already have initiated efforts in this direction. As we know that maximum benefit of Benazir Bhutto’s assassination goes towards MQM than anybody else. There are newly emerging Signs in politics of Pakistan that in near future NEW POLITICAL GROUPS will be formed and even Nawaz Shareef will be weakened further in Punjab!! Lets see and watch next maneuvering from Establishment in this regard — and all depends on PPP’s stand on Bibi’s murder/fact- finding committee’s report and possible trial of Mushrraf?? along with highly biased role of present Judiciary and in addition the negative politics of ANP AND FUNCTIONAL MUSLIM LEAGUE in Sindh for which MQM was waiting for and now it is not a question of IF but WHEN. On the other hand PPP Politicians declaring themselves as “MUGHAL-i-Azam”!? of Sindh. Last but not least — International players are there to interfere (as always) in Pakistan’s affairs to make this perplexing situation more worse and unpredictable.

Sindhi Sham in Washington DC

by Khalid Hashmani, McLean, Virginia

On the evening of Friday (April 2, 2010), several Sindhis living in Washington DC area hosted Adi Zubeda Birwani and exchanged candid views about Sindhi Rights. The event was held at a restaurant in Washington DC a downtown and was attended by several several Sindhi-American and mainstream Americans including Imtiaz Bhatti, Javaid Bhutto, Janne Bursch, Erica Cohan, Khalid Hashmani, Ali Nawaz Memon, Iqbal Tareen, and Zara Tareen…

Before the remarks by the guest of honor, three Sindhi-Americans, who recently visited Sindh, shared their observations and impressions from their visit.

Iqbal Tareen said he spent one full month visiting large cities, small and big towns, and villages in Sindh and exchanged views with people at all levels. He said that Sindh certainly has changed over last 30-40 years…

Javaid Bhutto visited many communities and friends from Karachi to Quetta and beyond. He said that one major change that he observed was the hardening of attitude of Baluch youth towards Pakistan. In past the older Baluch generation was willing to settle for provincial autonomy but the new generation seem not to be ready to settle on anything less than full independence. Mr. Bhutto said that he was surprised that there was a free flow of people and goods on the western borders of Pakistan Mr. Bhutto said that although Sindhis feel they have got some relief after years of dictatorship and Nawaz Sharif rule, their attitude towards Pakistan would change if Balochistan became an independent country.

Ali Nawaz Memon said that although much of his trip was occupied with his business activities that involved assessing and advising Government and private energy sector on the matters of energy crisis, he was able to visit some cities and towns in Sindh. He said that in his view the key problems of Sindhis were of economic nature. His assessment was that Sindhis have awakened and ready to put of their best but are being held back by bad Sindhi leaders. He added that he was not hopeful of a quick and comprehensive change unless either the present leaders changed their ways or a new honest, smart, and hardworking Sindhi leaders emerged.

Adi Zubeda Birwani gave a detailed account of the positive role played by Sindhi NGOs and Sindhi media in protecting Sindhi Rights…

The session was moderated by Khalid Hashmani who raised the question whether sufficient progress have been achieved that Sindhis now feel comfortable with the notion that their rights can be achieved within the frame work of Pakistan. The consensus was that in spite of the short coming of the present PPP regime, people feel that this regime is far better than some of the past regimes and that they may succeed in receiving equitable rights in Pakistan. However, the situation is quite tense and precarious with bulk of funds consumed by military where Sindhis have very little presence and the Balochistan crisis, anything can change at any time!