Glycemic Index

The glycemic index was first developed in 1981 by a team of scientists lead by Dr. David Jenkins, a professor of nutrition at the University of Toronto, Canada. Carbohydrate foods that find their way into the bloodstream gradually (fruits, green vegetables, and legumes) produce minimal insulin responses are called low glycemic indexes. Foods bread products, rice, sugar, honey, soda bottle, fruit jice, potatoes corn and etc) that increase the general circulation with glucose induce a surge of insulin are called high glycemic indices. High glycemic foods give sharp rise to high blood sugar is extremely unhealthy for the body. High blood sugar causes insulin resistance/ diabetes-II, irreversible damage to nerves, blood vessels, and organ specially kidneys and heart. Poorly controlled blood sugar is the main reason of the diabetics, increased risk to kidney disease, heart attack, and blindness.

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