ISLAMABAD: Population by mother tongue

According to the statistics of Population and Census Organization, Government of Pakistan the percentage of people living in Islamabad based on mother tongue is: (Urdu  10.11), (Punjabi 71.66), (Sindhi o.56), (Pashto 9.52), (Balochi 0.06), (Saraiki 1.11), (others 6.98)
From these figures it is clear who gets high benefits from Islamabad? Wouldn’t it be fair that provinces give their share to federal institutes located at Islamabad based on their population? Are the people of Islamabad more poor to have highest number of public institutes and services as compared to rest of the populace of the country?

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2 thoughts on “ISLAMABAD: Population by mother tongue”

  1. btw these are 1998 figures………0.5% for 2012 islamabad is impossible bcoz i have seen and met many sindhis in islamabad they might over 5% yes over 5% not 0.5% bcoz 0.5% was a figure of 1998 and during that government many punjabis went to islamabad and now during ppps government many sindhis,balochs and pathans went to islamabad as compared to punjabis and urdu speakers !

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