There is huge healing power within each of us that knows exactly what and where each of our ailments is and knows exactly what to do correct them. It is inside our body in an unlimited amount with out any cost. Our wellness involves choices and action. The choices we make each day and the action s we take can lead to a healthier life. Making positive choices in the areas of physical fitness, work, stress and nutrition promotes our well-being. Making a life-long commitment to a healthy lifestyle can reduce the effect o chronic medical illness. Give us more energy, increase our self-esteem and reduce the risk of illness.
Did you know our bodies are over 60% water? It keeps our bodies cool, cushions our organs and joints, and maintains our bodies in peak condition. Staying hydrated is especially important in summer, when our body uses water to keep you cool when you’re running around or just walking.
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease. – Thomas A. Edison”
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