Category Archives: Balochistan

18th Constitutional Amendment and rights of small nations in Pakistan

You are invited to attend a meeting in Washington DC Metro Area on 18th Constitutional Amendment and rights of small nations in Pakistan. We encourage you to send us a page or two (Maximum) on your behalf or on behalf of your organization to be read in this session.

Recently proposed constitutional changes through “18th Amendment” cause serious concerns in small nations of Pakistan. Throughout its history, the country has been governed by its elite, under military dictatorship or with selective freedoms for its peoples. As a result eastern wing of the country walked away from the union and remaining stakeholders have very little or no faith in the present setup.

Although the 1973 constitution of Mr. Bhutto imposed a top-down framework on small nations but that document has yet to see the light of the day. People of Balochistan have declared their intent to part ways whereas in Sindhi people are increasingly having doubts about their salvation within Pakistan.

Given the state of the union, the common sense and pro-active statecraft dictate making every effort to create sense of ownership in the constituent units instead of tightening the noose. Even high hopes of gaining individual and collective freedoms in a representative democracy are coming to a screeching halt.

Civic groups, political parties and thought leaders across the country including in the province of Punjab, Pakhtoonkhwa, Sindh, and Pakistani Diaspora in USA and Europe feels a need for sea change the way Pakistani constitution is framed. A consensus is emerging in favor of granting greater national autonomy to save Pakistan from disintegration.

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Book on Comrade General Sharof by a Sindhi writer

– Zulfiqar Halepoto

Sher Muhammad Bijarani (Marri) was a Baloch nationalist tribal chief and militant. He fully favoured a struggle against Pakistan. He was also known as Babu Shero, Shero Marri, General Sherof and Baluchi Tiger. He was the first Baloch who gave the Baloch armed struggle a new shape by following the tactics of modern guerilla warfare, against the occupiers of Balochistan. He was a military commander and an expert on Marxist literature.

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People and Provinces must be careful in selecting/ electing their representatives

by Khalid Hashmani, McLean

.. behind-the-scene newspaper story about the dishonest and disloyal role played by the Balochistan representative in IRSA’s decision to open the Chashma-Jehlum link canal. The newspaper article was published in today’s edition of The News The fact that the Ch Muhammad Amin who was nominated by Balochistan to be its member on IRSA voted against the wishes of that province shows the danger in allowing those who have dubious loyalties to be provincial representatives. The people and provincial leaders must be careful in electing or selecting heir representatives for wrong decisions could come to haunt them later.

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Jaag Meray Punjab – Habib Jalib

Habib Jalib (1928 March 12, 1993) was one of the renowned Pakistani Urdu poet of 20th century. Jalib’s poetry reflected his vision and approach to life. He never deviated from his chosen path. [true Pakistan only can be safe if there is equel right for Sindh, NWFP and Baluchistan. Allah bless Pakistan. -says Faiqa]


Is Baluchistan becoming another East Pakistan?

by Kuldip Nayar, India

Courtesy: The Sunday Times

Islamabad faces today practically the same situation in Baluchistan as it did in East Pakistan. The former is as increasingly getting alienated from Pakistan as was Bangladesh in the midst of liberating itself. The army was supreme then as it is today in Baluchistan. Zulfikhar Ali Bhutto, then heading the Pakistan People Party (PPP), was backing the shocking methods of the army, no different from the ones adopted against Bangladesh.

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State of Union of Pakistan 62 years later

By Khalid Hashmani, USA

Can any Pakistani honestly say that Pakistan has turned out to be the country that they or their fathers had envisioned 62 years ago? Even among the privileged class such as military and civilian bureaucracy, who have been the primary beneficiaries of what has cooked and re-cooked in Pakistan, would admit that it is not all fair in Pakistan. Many Baloch demonstrated on the 62nd Independence Day under the banner that said, “De-celebrating the Pakistan’s Independence Day”. Many Sindhis either stayed out of the Independence Day celebrations or made comments such as “Pakistan Zindabad. Jeay Sindh Dharti. May Allah this year give true autonomy to all provinces so all can live in peace” or “May Allah bless all people of Pakistan and show right path to the leaders.” “30 Lakh Bangaliyoon ka qat’l Mubarik, Hazaroon Balouchoon ke Laa’sh Mubarik, Senkroon Sindhi Ma’aoon kee Ujree Jholia’an ke Mubarak”, and “I am a Sindhi – a Hindu Sindhi, with roots in Hyderabad, Sindh, in modern day Pakistan. I cannot celebrate the creation of Pakistan – because August the 14th stands as a reminder that my family was uprooted”. The world calls Pakistan as the “hub for planning and training terrorists and global terrorism”. Hundreds of Pakistanis are dying each month on account of terrorism. Minorities feel unsafe and common men and women feel oppressed. Indeed, one wonders what went wrong and why it went wrong and what can be done to steer Pakistan on the right path? This article attempts to answer both of these questions.

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Why are we in this state!?

by: Khalid Hashmani, McLean

August 12, 2009: The reason is simple! The natives of the provinces, where these resources are located, are denied their due share of benefits in Pakistan. Much of this wealth is enjoyed by people who either live in other provinces or people associated with powerful and high-maintenance organizations such as military. This leaves very little for common men and women, particularly those who live in rural areas.

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Balochistan – A Home-grown Conflict

by: Malik Siraj Akbar

Courtesy: The Times of India, 11 August 2009

When the first Baloch insurgency broke out in 1948 to resist the illegal and forceful annexation of the Baloch-populated autonomous Kalat state with Pakistan, Manmohan Singh – today Indian prime minister – was barely a teenager while his Pakistani counterpart Yousuf Raza Gilani had not even been born to witness the rebellion’s magnitude. Yet, last month, both leaders in Sharm el-Sheikh discussed for the first time the indefatigable Baloch insurgency.

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Should Sindhis support Baloch struggle?

By: Suraiya Makhdoom, UK

… Cooperation between Balouchs and Sindhis – there can’t be 2 opinions as to whether Sindhis should support the just cause of Baloch struggle: we should and we are. Sindhis as a nation and a people have a time honoured tradition of supporting all the just causes. As far as Balouchistan is concerned, Sindhis have been with their Balouch brothers and sisters on every step of the way. Sindhi nation supported Balouchs during the 1970’s military operation and many suffered jails and other tortures.

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An interview of a Baloch Patriot leader with Najam Sethi

Forwarded by: Khalid Hashmani, McLean, Virginia, USA

An absolutely amazing interview (video) of a Baloch nationalist leader Mr. Hayrbyar Marri with extremely articulate Pakistani patriot Najam Sethi.

Hayrbyar Marri Interview Part- I, click here, Part – II, click herePart – III, click here


Editor’s noteOpinions, beliefs, wishes, traditions etc expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the policy of editor Indus Asia Online Journal. The material on this blog is just for to create awareness, debate, dialogue, interaction and understanding in people on different issues of politics, economics, human rights, environmental, social justice, democracy, Science, culture, history and different philosophies of the world without any profit basis. We believe in humanity, diversity and fairness and we are not against any nation, religion, race, colour or country. And also we believe in a manner full debate, pluralism and tolerance. We have no pretension nor illusions but the motivation to see our world as a better place. Your critical feed back & courteous arguments are always welcome.

The demand for provincial autonomy on the basis of 1940 Lahore resolution

by Khalid Hashmani, McLean, Virginia, USA

The demand for provincial autonomy on the basis of 1940 resolution is gaining support of many in Pakistan. I salute the Chief Minister of Balochistan, SaeeN Nawab Aslam Raisani for his statement and action plan discussed below in the DAWN report. I hope that other PPP leaders from all provinces will also show similar courage and demand that the centre should only be responsible for foreign affairs, defense, currency and communications and the rest of the powers should be transferred to the provinces.

Call for autonomy on the basis of 1940 resolution by Saleem Shahid in Daily Dawn, please click here

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Real Test

Real Test: Supreme Court, High courts non-Shariah institutions: Maulana Sufi Mohammad
by Iqbal Tareen, USA
The writer can be reached at
Here is a real test of everyone on the left, right, center, in the government, in opposition, in judiciary, members of civil society, men in black, human rights advocates, and Pakistani Diaspora. Either you are against this kind of madness or you are part of it. There is no high road to heaven.
Very soon all those who are undecided or they are on the periphery of this issue will be forced into retirements. When the battle between Millat and Umma heats up the lines will be drawn in the sand. We just can’t stick to our wish lists. These guys are forcing people of Pakistan to choose between Pakistan zinda abad and Islam zinda abad.

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Washington DC Protest Rally against brutal killing of Baluch Leaders

Washington DC- Various Baluch and Sindhi organization representatives will hold a protest rally in front of the Pakistan Embassy at 3517 International Court, NW, Washington DC on Friday, April 17 at 10.30 a.m.
The protest rally has been organized against the Nazi-style execution of three prominent Baluch activists Ghulam Mohammed Baloch, President of the Balochistan National Movement (BNM); Lala Munir Baloch, General Secretary of the BNM; and Sher Mohammed Baloch, Deputy General Secretary of the Balochistan Republican Party.

Opinion- Balochs are natural allies of Sindhis in their struggle

by Nadeem Jamali, Canada
Sindh is a confused mess. The biggest problem, in my opinion, is that Sindhi elites do not trust Sindhi people. Different groups in Sindh rely on Sindh’s adversaries to keep a type of balance that helps them stay relevant to the twisted reality of Pakistan. Many do not want Sindh to be governed by Sindhis. Many make opportunistic alliances with adversaries of Sindh for short term goals.
This is the key problem. Should they be ridiculed for that? Probably yes! Ridicule is an important motivator for action in Sindhi and Baloch societies. People of Sindh are broken and exhausted. So exhausted that they can let opportunities pass by.
Baloch mindset is not hostile toward Sindhis. Baloch mindset is hostile toward murderers of Baloch people.

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Opinion- Let’s not forget that Sindhis are friends of Balouchs

Balouch Mindset..
by Zulfiqar Halepoto, Hyderabad, Sindh
The writer can be reached at
.. I would like to draw an attention to some facts, which are important to understand at the time when we claim that both Sindhi and Balouchs are coming closer to each other but the mindset of Balouch intellectuals are still hostile towards Sindhis… In post Benazir Bhutto Pakistan, the political complications to run the state as a viable polity, are increasing day by day. The internal contradictions of the state are reached at a point where no adhoc remedy or daily wages approach to run the affairs, are further widening the contradictions.
In this situation any kind of rift between any suppressed nation and especially between Sindhis and Balouchs will harm the cause of the right of political and fiscal sovereignty of the oppressed nations within Pakistani territories… and Sindhi politician, nationalist, writer, intellectual and pressman always support the cause of Balouch. The Quetta based Sindhi media friends of Kawish, KTN, daily Ibrat, Sindh TV and other media houses used to support the just cause of downtrodden people of Balochistan. Many of us know that during Musharraf’s naked fascist regime there were curbs on media and ISPR used to directly monitor media coverage especially during Akbar Bugti Shaheed’s fight with the establishment. Lot of pressure came on the shoulders of those brave Sindhi journalists who were working in Balochistan at that time. But they refused to carry out the dictation of agencies. They were on good terms with Shaheed Bugti, Mir Balach and others.

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World Sindhi Congress condemns the killing of three Baloch political leaders

Press release by Information Secretary Ali Memon, London
April 11th , 2009
World Sindhi Congress (WSC) is deeply shocked and strongly condemns the killing of three Baloch political leaders, Ghulam Mohammad Baloch, Sher Mohammad Baloch and Lala Muneer Baloch. The three leaders were steadfastly involved in the struggle of defending the genuine democratic rights of Baloch people. WSC on behalf of Sindhi people show their solidarity with Baloch people at their national loss.

Realize now and do something, before it’s too late!

by Khalid Hashmani, McLean, Virginia, USA
The writer can be reached at
It appears that our adversaries are organized, determined and have every intension of fully controlling Balochistan and Sindh by using any means that would work. In these difficult times, Sindhis and Baluch have no choice but to unite and save our identity and our homeland. I volunteer my time and energy to participate, organize, lead, or follow an action plan to do some serious advocacy on behalf of our people. However, to make some headway we need at least a dozen persons who are ready to devote 8-10 hours per week to this cause.
In Sindh, they have divided Sindhis in several groups (Sindhi-vs-Sindhi, Sindhi-vs-Mohajir, Mohajir-vs-Pathan) . Having succeeded in weakening the present PPP government, both at the federal and provincial levels, and by dividing people of Sindh, they are now boldly moving to gain complete control of smaller provinces.
In Balochistan, they are on the killing spree to eliminate Baluch leadership. I suspect that these killing cadres have been unleashed against Baluch first. Once Baloch leaders have been killed, the same  forces will move against those Sindhi leaders who do not toe their line and give up demands for provincial autonomy and the abolition of concurrent list.
In NWFP, the provincial government has lost all control to Taliban and it is just matter of few months before Taliban will be controlling Peshawar as well.
The way I see the situation, there is a long struggle ahead for smaller provinces to achieve their political rights and protect their identity and culture. We might as well realize now and do something, anything, before it is too late!

Spike in the Soul – The Honor Dogs of Sindh and Balochistan!

by Aijaz Sindhi, USA,
There was news about burying 5 women from Baluchistan quite a few months ago who were still alive in the they were first beaten by 17 tribesmen, and then hit by the speeding tractor with the blade in front. As if it were not enough, the shattered skulls women were then dragged by the tractor blade into a ditch, and buried alive.

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Dr. Lakhu Luhana of World Sindhi Congress expressed his solidarity with Baloch people

Report by: Information Secretary Ali Memon
March 29th , 2009
Press release- Interfaith international with the collaboration of UNPO, Baloch Human Rights Council, World Sindhi Congress, Sindhi Baloch Forum and Balochistan Rights Movement held a peaceful protest rally on Friday 20 March 2009 from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm in front of the United Nations office in Geneva Switzerland. The slogans on the placards high lighted various aspects of human right violation.
A conference on Human Rights situation in Balochistan was also held in the UN conference room at 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm ,chaired by interfaith international president Mr. Charles Graves.
Senator Sana Baloch presented a detailed graphic accounts of injustices, atrocities, human rights violations, political, social deprivations, abduction & extra judicial killing of Baloch civilians including women & children, Target killing of Baloch leaders and Baloch intellectuals by the State.

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They will never learn

by M. Raza

Why don’t the establishment accept 1940’s Lahore resolution of Pakistan ??? which says clearly the word **SOVEREIGN STATES**!! After losing half of country (east Pakistan or Bangladesh), the establishment still dreaming? Why shall the provinces who share 70% of revenue suffer? For what? In which AYAT it is written that Islamabad/ establishment can  exploit other provinces in the name of Islam and Pakistan.