There is an urgent need to develop alternative ways to produce and deliver energy. We must replace methods that are inefficient, rely on non-renewable resource, cause environmental problems. Windh power has enormous potential to build clean, renwable energy generating facilities, companies are getting behind the development of wind power. When the wind blows, it turns huge propeller blades and generates electricity. The best places to put wind farms are in coastal areas.
The Chinese were using wind power 4000 years ago to pump water for irrigation. In the Middle Ages, wind power was used to turn mills to grind corn: that is how we got the word windmill.
The wind is free and we have an endless supply. There is no waste and nno pollution. Wind power is an effective way to provide power. Wind farms can be tourist attrations.
Cultural diversity means that the population is drawn from many cultural backgrounds, representing a wide range of beliefs and traditions. Multiculturalism ensures that all citizens can keep their cultural identies, take pride in their ancestry. Canada’s experience with diversity has taught us to accept and respect different views. This has made Canada an effective international mediator. With so much violence in the world fuelled by racial, religious, and ethnic intolerance, Canada is regularly asked for advice and help with conflit resolution and human rights.
Canada stands as a proof that it is possible for the world’s many races, religions, and cultures to live together and Canada showes the world that different people can accept and respect one another.
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