By Dr Ali Akbar Dhakan, Karachi

Non-economists do not know that there is no any recipe for econmic development in the presence of war.They must know that there are two kinds of economies i.e, (i)Peace economy in which the non-development expenditure is at lowest ebb but the development expenditure is at the highest height when every rupee is spent for productive purpose which means more and more goods are produced increasing the supply side of economy bringing prosperity due to low prices on account of the law of demand and supply meaning thereby that when supply is at higher side and demand is at lower side, the price will also be at lower side raising the purchasing power of the common man and vice versa and (ii) the war economy for which every rupee is spent for destruction and consumption purpose bringing no more production and creating shortage of goods or low supply which will cause high prices or price hike or inflation and causing low purchasing power of the common people just as at present,

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What can I do to help cure diabetes?

You can do a lot! Most people don’t realize how important their effort can be in helping to cure diabetes. The main reason that so much progress has been made in the last 50 years. There are statistics to prove that diabetes causes much suffering and loss of time.

The results of the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) and the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) show that you can live a healthier life with diabetes by keeping blood glucose levels near normal. Modern advances in self-testing by Gluco Meter and treatment make this possible.