Left Unity oberves Shaheed Nazir Abbasi Day

Left Unity observes Shaheed Nazir Abbasi’s Arrest Day

Report by: SOHAIL SANGI, Hyderabad, Sindh

Over 150 activists belonging to leftist groups, including women, staged a token hunger strike under the banner of Left Unity outside the Hyderabad Press Club here on Thursday (July 30), to mark day of arrest of Shaheed Nazir Abbasi. They were demanding the reopening of Shaheed Nazeer Abbasi case and award of death sentence to the murderers. It may be mentioned here that it was on July 30, 1980 that late Abbasi was arrested. Ms Aalia Buxal, Ms Nusrat, Irfana, Seher Mangrio, Naseer Mangi and many other leftist women participated in the hunger strike. Among the male members of the Left Unity, Raza Mangrio, Latif Inqalabi, Ghulam Hussain Laghari, Faiz Keerio, Dr Haresh and others staged hunger strike, while Jam Saqi, Sohail Sangi, Taj Mari, Khalil Kazi, Iqbal Mallah, Punhal Sario and others joined the hunger strike to express their solidarity.

The female members of the unity wore badges of Hammer and Sickle and announced that they will stage a rally from press club to Hyder chowk on August 7.

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