– by Gul Agha
Stupid propaganda resumes.. now some clowns are claiming that another mega-dam (KBD) would have spared flooding! How can a dam upstream hundreds of miles away provide safety from the monsoon rains? The dams already built have devastated forests in the floodplains removing trees which help soil absorb water and reduce flooding. Time to tear the dams down and let the river recreate land and regenerate forests through seasonal flooding.
Courtesy: Adopted from Facebook.
Quetta : Another victim of Pakistan’s strategic depth policy: ANP senior leader and Central vice president Sardar Jilani Khan Achakzai died in target killing in Chaman.
For more details : BBC urdu
By Sahar Gul
Courtesy: Airra
At this crucial time when there is need of uniting nation around the single national interest of providing relief to the IDPs and successfully annihilating the Taliban in the Malakand division and restoring peace in the region, the discourse by some people to equate Taliban with the Pashtun nationalist agenda seems nothing but an effort to create startling diversion which no doubt ultimately hampers the attempts to eliminate extremism from Pakistan.
Continue reading ‘Stupid’, it’s the local dynamics that matter most… →
Sow flowers so your surroundings become a garden
Don’t sow thorns; for they will prick your feet
If you shoot arrows at others,
Know that the same arrow will come back to hit you.
Don’t dig a well in another’s path,
In case you come to the well’s edge
You look at everyone with hungry eyes
But you will be first to become mere dirt.
Humans are all one body,
Whoever tortures another, wounds himself.
By Javed Qazi, Karachi, Sindh
FATA is bleeding; its wound is going so deep in its existence that perhaps no rehabilitation can work out for them now. It is expanding to all over pakhtun area and to the Pakistan ; it is taking the subcontinent and whole the world along.
Continue reading FATA and its fate →
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