What is “C Diff”?

Clostridium Difficile (C Diff) is one of the many germs (bacteria) that can be found in stool (a bowel movement). C Diff disease occurs when antibiotics kill your good bowel bacteria and allow the C diff to grow. When C diff grows, it produces substances (toxins). These toxins can damage the bowel and cause diarrhea. C diff disease is usually mild but some times can be severe. The main symptoms of C Diff disease are; Watery diarrhea, Fever, Abdominal pain or tenderness. Who gets C Diff? C diff disease usually occurs during or after the use of antibiotics, old age, presence of other illness, severe poor over all health may increase the risk of disease.

This may help in C diff – Eat yogurt 3 or 4 times . Drink 8 to 10 glasses of crystal clean fresh water.

How does C Diff spread?

When a person has C diff disease the germs in the stool can soil surfaces such as toiltes, handles, bedpans, or commodes. When touching there items our hands can become soiled. If we than touch our mouth we can swallow the germs. Our soiled hand also can spread the germs to other surfaces.