A unique family with crazy ideas of living…An extremely miser father, a mother with a poor memory, a son with perpetually failing ideas, a daughter in law who only eats all day, another son who dreams all day and a daughter who wants to become an actress… a family always in trouble!
Director: Rajesh Bachchani, Producer: Asha Chand
Sindhi Sangat has uploaded 3 wonderful comedy episodes of 25 min — all in Sindhi. Each member of the Kitkitani family is funny and crazy.
Every Pakistani has been happy and over joyous to hear the news of providing more share of finances to Balochistan and N.W.F.P at the cost of Sindh Province as Punjab did not surrender its share and got the same ratio of funds.It may also be kept in mind that Punjab has already been taking double quantum of finances because of its major representation in the federation as it belongs mostly to Punjab in case of employment in civilian and military or defence organizations and setup. Sindh produces more and generates more income but all income earned by Sindh province goes to federation providing a small chunk of resources from its income to Sindh by federation .The following paragraphs indicate the position in revenue contribution made by all Provinces of Pakistan and revenue recieved by them.
The position is apparent from the data shown by Dawn of November,22-2000. In 1997-98 Sindh contributed Rs.170 billion and the Punjab conributed only Rs.58 billion whereas Sindh recieved only Rs.23 billion and the Punjab recieved Rs.58 billion.During 2001-02 Sindh earned Rs.226 billion but the Punjab earned Rs.80 billion whereas during this year the Sindh got only Rs.32 billion but the Punjab got Rs.77 billion.In this way in the period of 5 years from from 1997-98 to 2001-02, Sindh got only 14% of its shares whereas the Punjab got 94% from all the resources or finances .Now, one can understand how the Sindh province has been deprived of its resources and suffered from all evils of poverty, hunger, deprivation, diseases and socio-economic disorder particularly during the regimes of dictators .People of Sindh have always been neglected not from its resources but from the rights its employment, equal treatment in filling up the posts of heads organizations, banks, departments, corporations etc even in this regime of PPP as the Prime Minister belongs to the Punjab and as not been giving due weightage to the people of Sindh province as the President of Pakistan belonging to Sindh has been caught in the net of propaganda and uncertainity .
Reasons of Eczema, Multi-reasons. Such as; digestive imbalances, body toxification, unhealthy diet and Candida/parasites in colon ande some other factors are the causes of Eczema. This may help. Cut sugar and sugar products, rice and rice products, potato and potato products. (Take Multi- vitamin and multi-mineral supplement which contain Zinc), fresh washed raw colorful & leafy green vegetables and fruits, 8 to 10 glasses of crystal clean fresh water and yogurt early in the morning with a full glass of water Or Lashi/Dudhee.
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