3 new sindhi comedy Telefilms uploaded

A unique family with crazy ideas of living…An extremely miser father, a mother with a poor memory, a son with perpetually failing ideas, a daughter in law who only eats all day, another son who dreams all day and a daughter who wants to become an actress… a family always in trouble!

Director: Rajesh Bachchani, Producer: Asha Chand

Sindhi Sangat has uploaded 3 wonderful comedy episodes of 25 min — all in Sindhi. Each member of the Kitkitani family is funny and crazy.

Visit www.sindhisangat.tv to view or download – free of cost. Sponsor: Suman Ramesh Chairatable Trust, Mumbai & Jacky’s Dubai

Sindhisangat team

www.sindhisangat.com, www.sindhisangat.tv

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