Serve humanity in true manner

by: G.M. Syed, [Translation by: Majid Maqsood, from the book Syed Ja Qol]

– In true democracy one nation may not be superior in terms of majority to talent, resources, standing and wisdom on other nation.

– I firmly believe in true politics, and it can serve humanity in true manner, it gives blessings and it develops spirituality.

– Democracy can be benefited for peace, development and unity of the country..

– In politics some principles are important to make and follow in life. Those who cannot maintain their character may not be expected to do the politics on principle stand.

– We believe in political criticism but not in personal attacks.

– Our political worker should have dare and character to face the challenges.

– To differ politically is justified but personal criticism should be avoided.

– As nobody is perfect, therefore political worker should keep in mind other persons’ services, emotion and political principle while doing criticism.

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