True face of police in India

Report by: Indur Chhugani, India

The reporter can be reached at:

“The girl revealed that he had taken her out earlier and tried to molest her. He had threatened her with a false case against the family if she informed anyone,” the police officer added. The victim’s medical test has confirmed rape. The police has registered a case against the accused, but no arrests have been made so far. AGENCIES

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One thought on “True face of police in India”

  1. Please sign the Petitions at
    Employees’ unions of government banks in India have been going on all-India strikes frequently. They have already brought Indian economy to standstill five times in the past 7 weeks.
    Now, the State Bank of India employees want to go on an indefinite strike from 2008 October 20. SBI is the biggest bank in India that disburses all government salaries and pensions, and finances all the major enterprises in India. The strike will cause a daily loss of Rs 700 bn to the public apart from causing unimaginable hardship to millions of small businessmen and pensioners.
    The employees are not with the strikers emotionally, but they fear union bullying; and are forced to strike. The Union leaders want the PSBs weakened so that private new generation banks might prosper. Frequent whimsical strike calls are aimed at bringing PSBs down to reduce them to mere shell companies bereft of funds and public trust.
    In the interest of India’s public sector and the banking public, we request the unions to desist from going on more strikes. Do not pursue this treasonous course of action and weaken your country’s economy further in these times of global economic disaster! We appeal to your patriotism.

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