Sindhi Topi & Ajrak : respect for all cultures of the world day

by: Zulfiqar Halepoto

On December 6th, 2009 Sindh and many other places of Pakistan and outside world were coloured with just one shed, the shed of respect for all cultures of the world and respect and love for Sindhi topi and ajrak.

Flags and ideologies of all political parties, efforts of civil society, media and rest of the society were ONE with a slogan that RESPECT OUR CULTURE-RESPECT OUR TOPI & AJRAK as we respect all cultures.

The roots of Sindhi culture and civilization go back to the distant past and their agricultural traditional arts and crafts, customs and tradition and other parts of social life goes back to a ripe and mature Indus valley civilization of the third millennium B.C. archaeologist says that this culture belong to the most oldest civilization ( Mohen_jo_dARO) THE FATHER OF ALL CIVILIZATIONS , 5 thousand years old civilization.

Sindhi topi and ajrak have been symbols of the Sindhi culture and civilization for thousands of years. And all the people of Sindh have an emotional attachment with these cultural symbols.

5 thoughts on “Sindhi Topi & Ajrak : respect for all cultures of the world day”

  1. I need some information about the history of sindhi Topi And ajrak and sindhi dresses.

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