Fear, depression, and anxiety are types of mental disorders. Mental disorders are common in South Asia but there is no way to diagnoses them.
Symptoms of depression: Low energy level, simple tasks seem difficult or overwhelmed, feel angry and hopelessness. If above feeling lasts long time and interfere the day-to-day life of person they may see psychiatrist. Symptoms of Anxiety:Fear and panic where most of normal people don’t feel any threat or Panic. People with anxiety disorders feel sudden panic attacks some other feel constant worriness. People with mental disorders especially with depression feel discouragement and sadness which lasts more than four weeks may be sign of any mental disorder. Such as; prolong irritability, unable to concentrate, thoughts of death or suicide attempts, helplessness, crying and worthlessness, relationship difficulties, lack of energy, uncharacteristically screaming fear to go to school or work, fear of unexplained situation, often feel afraid to be alone and sweaty palms etc.
This may help- See/visit to doctor + Eat fresh washed leafy green vegetables and fruits, eat papaya, cut off sugar and sugar products + consume yogurt + take multi-vitamins and multi-mineral supplements + drink 8 to 10 glasses of clean fresh water + exercise.
Like depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder, this may be another condition in which stimulatory pathways are out of balance with inhibitory pathways. Although pathology is caused by an imbalance of opposing stimulatory and inhibitory pathways, overactivity of a stimulatory center (as seen in a complex partial seizure disorder) is a less common cause of pathology. More commonly, there appears to be a failure of normal inhibitory (or feedback/counter-regulatory) control.
i have fear drepression have a long time