Tag Archives: Sindh

K. B. Bhutto passed away

Islamabad/California : July 3, 2010: K. B. Bhutto passed away in USA. He was a sincere and solid political worker and a former president of PPP California Chapter. The widow of K B Bhutto said that her husband will be long remembered in the party circles for his struggle for the restoration of democracy and his struggle against dictatorships.  K. B. Bhutto was a selfless and devoted worker of the Party. He was an organizer of many political events. President Asif Ali Zardari has also condoled the death of K B Bhutto.

After the demise of KB Bhutto; there is a feeling of dissatisfaction among PPP workers across the states against the PPP- USA because KB Bhutto was removed from the office of President PPP CA chapter in Jan 2010 with a few unfounded allegations. Since then, KB had been struggling to restore his status for which he went through severe anxiety and stress, he got admitted into the hospital 2 times and third time he could not survive it. The body of K. B. Bhutto is being brought to Sindh for burial.

Sindh: Terror in Boriri

Courtesy: Geo


Terror in Boriri – by AZIZ NAREJO

Daily Times

This is with reference to news stories, letters and editorials in media about the people living in the state of fear in Boriri and some other neighbouring villages in Taluka Khairpur Nathan Shah, District Dadu in Sindh.

According to the reports and personal communication with the people in the area, it is evident that the government has utterly failed to fulfil its constitutional responsibilities to provide safety and security to the people. It has completely let down the people who are living in war-like conditions. The dacoits and criminal elements have murdered six people belonging to village Boriri and about 40 people belonging to neighbouring villages in the last few years. Extortions, robberies, kidnappings, threats to life and property and intimidation are commonplace.

Continue reading Sindh: Terror in Boriri

Attitude of Punjab towards other units of Pakistan

Do not hate me for who I am! —Shahid Ilyas

We are taking too long to understand that Pakistan does not mean Punjab only. It consists of several nationalities, which have very distinct and old languages, cultures and histories. All of them have as much a share in the state of Pakistan as any other

Going by the rhetoric that one comes across from a host of media, including e-mails, the internet, TV shows, blogs and personal conversations, it is very disturbing to see the level of hatred which the youth in Punjab (is it only the youth?) — exceptions notwithstanding — harbour against personalities like President Zardari, President Karzai, Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan and Mahmud Khan Achakzai. On the other hand, a soft corner in their attitudes is discernible for Qazi Hussein Ahmad, Nawaz Sharif, Zaid Hamid, Hamid Gul and Pervez Musharraf — people who subscribe to, some explicitly, others implicitly, the narrative which states that the international forces in Afghanistan are ‘occupying’ forces (do we have any business with who occupies what?), the Taliban are fighting to ‘free’ their country from a foreign occupation while India is an irreconcilable enemy, and so on and so forth. Can a country like Pakistan see stability with the configuration of love and hate on the above patterns?

To begin with, let’s ask what can be the possible reasons for the widespread hostility towards the person of President Zardari? Is it the NRO? But Zardari is not the only person to benefit from it or to allegedly be corrupt. The problem seems much deeper. It has partly to do with the anti-Zardari propaganda on pro-establishment news media. But it has also to do with where he comes from and what he stands for. The continuous and decades-long domination of political power in Pakistan by an overwhelmingly Punjab-based establishment makes it so difficult for them to accept the presence of a non-Punjabi and non-obliging personage in the presidency of the Islamic republic. It is simply too much for them to see the president talk about such ‘irritating’ issues as the rights for the Baloch and Pashtuns, and civilian supremacy over the armed forces. Indeed they have enjoyed so much power and for so long, that they started to take the same for granted.

We are taking too long to understand that Pakistan does not mean Punjab only. It consists of several nationalities, which have very distinct and old languages, cultures and histories. All of them have as much a share in the state of Pakistan as any other. All of them have to be given a chance to reach to the highest slots including the presidency and the prime minister house. Their languages and cultures are as important as any other, and the same has to be granted as much importance — on official level — as the languages of Punjab and Muhajirs. Asif Ali Zardari’s presence in the presidency is not the result of a favour from anyone. He is the president of the Islamic republic because he is duly elected and he represents a group of people, which has equal ownership of the country.

Read more >>- Daily Times

Link – http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=20106\30\story_30-6-2010_pg3_4

Pakistan Diplomatic Service Working Against Sindhis!

by Dr. Ayoub Shaikh

An eye-opening article by Dr. Ayoub Shaikh on the discrimination of Sindhis in the Foreign Service of Pakistan. The article also highlight the issue of selling Pakistani passports to Burmese refugees in Saudi Arabia and have them settled in Karachi, Sindh.


Selling of Passports and Settlement of Foreigners in Karachi

By: Dr. Ayoub Shaikh

Translation by: Khalid Hashmani, McLean, Virginia, USA


There are reports that more than 250,000 Pakistani passports have been sold to Burmese and nationals of other countries in Saudi Arabia and other countries. The purchasers of these passports have been migrating to Karachi for some time. The article demands that all those employees of Pakistani Embassy, who are involved in the illegal selling of Pakistani passports should be tried and sentenced to life imprisonment if found guilty.

Discrimination Against Sindhis in Pakistan Foreign Service

According to the article out of total 472 foreign service officers, only 44 are from Sindh. This represents less than 10% compared to the the 20% of Pakistani population that lives in Sindh. The article says that more than 85,000 illegal domiciles have been issued in the recent years. The illegally obtained domicile certificates are used by non-Sindhis to get employment against the quota established for Sindhis. IN the Ministry of Foreign affairs, out of seven (7) Additional Secretaries, none is a Sindhi. Out of 17 Director Generals, only two are Sindhis. Out of 34 Directors only two are Sindhis. Out of 74 Assistant Directors and Deputy Directors, only five (5) are Sindhis. It is said that the department has an unwritten rule for some time that no Sindhi will be promoted beyond 20th grade.

As Pakistan government does not publish correct figures, this under- representation of Sindhis cannot be confirmed by me. However, living in Washington DC for the last 12 years, where Pakistan has the largest embassy, I can say that the numbers quoted in the article are even on high side as the representation of Sindhis in the U.S. Embassy is substantially less than even 5%.

I hope overseas Sindhi organizations that are quite active in fighting for the Sindhi rights will start a campaign to secure a fair share of Sindhis in Pakistan’s Foreign services and other federal departments.

29 June 2010

Gorakh Hill Station

by: Dr Ali Akbar Dhakan, Karachi

… For Gorakh Hill project, it is proposed that commercial centers and small houses for residence purpose and  small restaurants may be built up on the hill with necessary security so that tourism can take place and the purpose of the new project can be achieved in the very shortest possible time otherwise the cost of construction will increase and more financial burden will fall on the scant financial resources of the province of Sindh.

SANA 26th annual convention

PR- June 26- TX: Sindhi Association of North America (SANA) is to hold its 26th annual convention at Westin Galleria Hotel, Houston TX, July 2-5. SANA is the largest representative, secular, democratic organization of Sindhi’s living in USA and Canada. Its annual convention is the most popular and a major community event attended by a large number of people.

Former Indian Union Minister, member of Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Indian Parliament and president of the Supreme Court Bar Association of India Ram Jethmalani will be Chief Guest at the convention. Former Minister of State in Pakistan and ex-chairman of the Technical Committee on Water Resources, Engineer A. N. G. Abbasi will be the keynote speaker. Former Foreign Secretary of Pakistan and Pakistani ambassador to USA Najamuddin Shaikh, Sindh Taraqi Pasand Party chief Dr Qadir Magsi and head of Sindh TV Dr Karim Rajpar, Dr Sono Khangharani, Jami Chandio, Imtiaz Shaikh and Zulfiqar Halepoto are among panelists at various sessions.

The proposed sessions at the convention include the general body session, a special session on Sindhi Youth and future of SANA, economic and political situation in Sindh, Sindhi identity and the role of Sindhi Diaspora, sessions for ladies, medical seminar and the literary session, Sindhi Adabi Mehfil.

Two nights of great Sindhi music have also been planned for the convention. Artists from USA, and Sindh, Pakistan including Humaira Channa, Arshad Mehmood and Siridivi, will perform at the convention.

Mayor Houston Annise D. Parker and US Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison are also expected to attend and speak at the convention.

Indian Parliamentarian takes oath in Sindhi

MP Mavindra Singh

Not only do many in Western Rajasthan (Eastern Thar) speak Sindhi as a native language, others Rajasthanis also know and prefer Sindhi to Hindi/Urdu. Member of Parliament (Rajasthan, India) Manvendra preferred to take oath in Sindhi which is recognized as one of India’s constitutional languages. Not only do many in Western Rajasthan speak Sindhi, the language and culture of all of Thar is very much like Sindh’s. People sing songs of Shah Latif in this area.. Mumali Raarno is a folktale from this area that is remembered through Shah Latif’s poetry in Sindh and all over Thar. Plenty of other MPs had their families cheering too from the Distinguished Visitors’ gallery. There was the Pilot clan — Sachin Pilot’s mother Rama, wife Sara Abdullah, sister Sarika and brother-in-law; Jaswant Singh’s son Manvendra had his wife, mother, and brother cheering. The former finance minister himself preferred a relatively obscure seat in the Rajya Sabha gallery from where he could watch his son who took oath in Sindhi (as Rajasthani is not a recognised language, Manvendra later said).

Courtesy: –  Indian Express, Friday, June 04, 2004.


Unfortunately, Pakistan not only refuses to recognize Sindhi as a national language of Pakistan and has effectively blocked the implementation of Sindh’s decision to use Sindhi as its official language in Sindh.


By Dr Ali Akbar Dhakan

The media means source of Information, Knowledge, awareness, enlightenment and illumination. The media consists today of (i)newspapers (ii)Radio (iii)T.V channels and Journalism (iv)internet (v)Mobiles (vi)other source of information technology. It is the best source of getting information or a breasting of new developments or events being occurred or happened in every sphere of life throughout the globe.


Translation of Sindhi poet Aasi Mehmood Zamini [Sindhi to English]

Translation by Hisam Memon

Come down

For a while today!

Speak thee

And let me speak!

Come down

For a while

Do watch the world,

Engineered by you!

Some are inferior/poor

Some are superior/rich

Who belong to you?

Do mark them!

Wrinkled is the veil,

Torn shirt she puts on,

The naked she looks,

Who daughter is that girl?

She begs before stranger men,

Offer alms to your people!

Without breakfast

And bare-footed,

She ploughs

In the scorching beam,

Unbuttered pieces of meal,

She takes with spoilt molasses

Come down to taste it

A single time!

AASI’ was bestowed with insight

That utters the truth and tormented for,

“Why I am called atheist then”

Come to get [insight] it back!

Continue reading Translation of Sindhi poet Aasi Mehmood Zamini [Sindhi to English]

Demands Fundamental Rights of the People’s Self Determination and Autonomy

by: Khalid Hashmani, McLean, Virginia, USA

One must admire World Sindhi Congress (WSC) for its continuous efforts to live up to the objectives of their charter. Relentlessly, this organization has struggled for the rights of Sindhis on many international fronts. Their diligent pleas, presentations, and persuasive arguments have resulted many Europeans to become familiar with the plight of Sindhis.

Continue reading Demands Fundamental Rights of the People’s Self Determination and Autonomy

Punjab’s guarantees on Kalabagh are only “show-piece”?

Need for consensus on dams



This is apropos of Khursheed Anwer’s letter “Consensus on dam” (June 18) which states: “Sindh has been guaranteed 2.2maf additional water from the Kalabagh dam, what more consensus do the politicians want?”

It appears that the writer has not been to the depth of the problem. In the “Water Appropriation Accord 1991”, at least a release of 10maf water for downstream Kotri was also guaranteed but was never implemented even after the passing of 20 years. So what is the use of guarantees when they were never implemented in letter and spirit but only worked as “show-pieces”?

The controversial Chashma-Jhelum Link Canal in Punjab was the original Flood Canal, but many times Punjab has released water unilaterally despite a severe deficit of water in Sindh. During the deficit, Punjab has taken its full share of water multiple times by force. This can be seen in the AGN Abbasi Report.

Had the water been released downstream Kotri, sea intrusion would not have inundated 2.4 million acres of valuable land in Sindh. According to the Sindh government, almost 80m acres of land are inundated by sea intrusion. The government of Sindh firmly believes that if the situation remains the same, the historical city of Thatta and also Badin would disappear within 20 years. This is all because the “Water Accord – 1991” which was accepted by Sindh with reservations was not implemented in letter and spirit.

Recently, the NFC Award, announced with consensus, showed that even guarantees given in the Constitution were not sufficient. The same happened when the Thar coal, which was a provincial subject, was taken up by the Centre against the constitution and a notification was also issued but after much hue and cry from Sindh, it was rolled back.

I suggest that those who are sincere supporters of the dam should first demand the following:

1. At least 10maf should be released downstream Kotri as envisaged in “The Water Accord – 1991”.

2. Sindh must be given its due share of water at Guddu.

3. The Flood Canal, i.e. the Chashma–Jhelum Link Canal, must be closed permanently except for the availability of excess water during floods.

4. The controversial Wapda must be dismembered as it had twisted facts and figures to support Punjab. Three out of four provinces are not happy with its performance and the prime minister called it a “white elephant” like Zulfikar Ali Bhutto had once did.

5. All efforts must be made to save the Indus Delta as its ruination is bound to have environmental repercussions on Sindh. Only implementation of the Water Accord–1991 will guarantee this.

6. Punjab must admit the theft it committed on Sindh water and must pay compensation for it.

Sunday, 20 Jun, 2010

Courtesy:- http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/the-newspaper/letters-to-the-editor/need-for-consensus-on-dams-060

Whole World is involved in a Fraud with Sindh – Death of Indus delta in Pakistan

A once fertile and lush green Indus delta in Sindh Province of Pakistan has shrunk to just 10% of its original area of about six hundred thousand hectares. Construction of barrages and canals over the years and now the change in climatic patterns have rendered it barren.


By Zofeen Ebrahim

Courtesy: IPS

KHARO CHAAN, Sindh, Feb 28, 2009 (IPS) – Sitting on a rickety bench outside the dispensary of Dr. Abdul Jalil at Deh Bublo, Issa Mallah, a centenarian, watches the world go by. He says he comes to this ‘city’ everyday to buy his groceries.

Continue reading Whole World is involved in a Fraud with Sindh – Death of Indus delta in Pakistan

Dams must be dismantled

By: Prof. Gul Agha

Dams have allowed the powerful and corrupt elite to create new lands upstream and rob the poor people downstream.

Dams have blocked 90% of silt flow, destroyed forest in the flood plains and turned Sindh into desert Sindh. The river brings not only water but rich soil — just as important for agriculture and to protect the sea water from encroaching.

All dams must be dismantled — the advanced countries are all dismantling dams. Water conservation is essential, therefore, the best storage is small lakes built downstream.


Kalabagh: Development or Disaster


Sindh Water Committee and Anti–Greater Thal Canal Committee, Hyderabad

Courtesy: Daily Dawn

THIS refers to Engr Mazhar Ali’s article ‘Kalabagh dam: development or disaster’ (April 29) in which he has spoken about the merits of constructing new dams on the River Indus. In the footnote he has been described as a member of the Technical Committee on Water Resources (TCWR). But unless there was a printing error in the report (Dawn, Dec 27, 2005), the committee member was Dr Iqbal Ali.

Continue reading Kalabagh: Development or Disaster

Kalabagh dam or Kala Naang dam!?

By: Khalid Hashmani

I suspect that this new re-packaging of Kala Bagh dam may be another drama of  foes of Pakistan . The purpose may be to simply re-direct attention away from other issues and/or scoring points.  Nevertheless, the issue of the Kala Bag dam is of such a paramount importance to Sindh that we cannot afford to ignore any thing related to this Kala Nang dam, whose consequence would simply be to end of the country. ….

Foes of Pakistan are bent upon retaining the power and bringing back the subject of Kala Bagh dam will do nothing but galvanize people of Sindh, Pakhtoonkhwah,  and Baluchistan to aggressively oppose it. I also believe that most people of Punjab (except few thousand civilian and military landowners, who will be the primary beneficiary of Kala Bagh dam) consider the Kala Bagh dam to be a divisive issue that is taking a brutal toll of harmony and unity in the country.

Continue reading Kalabagh dam or Kala Naang dam!?

Dam deconstruction!!

The Theodosia River diversion dam will be the first dam in Canada decommissioned to restore fish habitat

A DECISION to decommission a British Columbia dam has observers wondering when – not if – other hydroelectric installations in Canada will be dismantled to give free flowing rivers for fish and ecology of the earth.

The Theodosia River diversion dam, about 140 kilometers northwest of Vancouver, will be the first major dam in Canada decommissioned to restore for fish natural habitat, says Mark Angelo, spokesperson for the Save the Thdosia Coalition and rivers chair of the Outdoor Recreation Council of British Coumbia.

The fact that we are willing to look at taking out dams that have outlived their usefulness sets an important precedent in Canada, says Angelo.

Theodosia dam is the first, but I am sure it won’t be last. The Save the Thoeodosia Coalition is the lone Canadian member organization of the International Rivers Network, which is promoting local and global efforts to decommission/ demolish dams and revive rivers.

The Theodosia River supported annual runs of more than 150,000 salmon before a diversion dam, built-in 1955, redirected 80 percent of the river’s flow.

The decision to remove the dam was made in February 2000 by the B.C. government.

Enemies of Pakistan Still Itching to Build the Controversial Kalabagh Dam

Enemies of Sindh Still Itching to Build the Kalabagh Dam

by: Khalid Hashmani, McLean, Virginia

Now that 18th amendment is place and the federal legislature can void any provincial laws even those that cover the jurisdiction of provincial government, several enemies of Sindh are merging together to re-create the menace of the Kalabagh dam. The short article below from one of the most unpatriotic web sites that wants to destroy Pakistan by pursuing centralist agenda an usurpation of provincial autonomy should serve a wake-up call for Sindhis.

The PPP leaders must realize that they better resist from falling into trap by taking a neutral stand on the Kalabagh dam.

Click here to read an article on highly controversial Kalabagh Dam

AJP continues to grow in Sanghar district

Sanghar : Four member committee of Awami Jamhoori Party (AJP) visited Sanghar district from June 12 to 14, three days. Sangahr is one of the backward districts of southern Sindh, bordering India.

The visit was part of introductory meetings of our newly launched political party Awami Jamhoori Party (AJP). Ahmad Mushtaque was accompanied by Ali Sher Wasan, District President of AJP, Wafa Sindhi and Bahadur Rind, two activists of area.

Continue reading AJP continues to grow in Sanghar district

New York: Discussion on Sindh

A New York Dinner with Congress G. Ackerman

A group of concerned Sindhis had a two-hour long meeting with Honorable Congressman Gary Auckerman yesterday in New York over dinner at Waldrof Astoria. Dr. M. Halepota, Dr. W. Baloch, H. Bursch, M. Laghari, Shahmir and Mahmir Halepota, Dr. N. Lal, congressman’s chief of staff and Professor Dr. Aftab Kazi participated. They discussed U.S., Sindh/Pakistan and Central and South Asian affairs. Dr. N.Lal was  gracious host.

June 14, 2010

Sindh awaits a saviour, says Nawaz Shrif

LAHORE: Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz’s chief Nawaz Sharif on Monday said the government was also engaged in massive corruption in the province of Sindh. Nawaz said if PML-N got another chance to form a government at the centre, it will solve the problems of all provinces.

Addressing PML-N workers from the various districts of Sindh, he said economic conditions in the province were so poor that people could not send their children to schools. “The people of Sindh await a saviour,” Nawaz Sharif said. He further said that the PML-N has no place for the self-serving and the power-hungry. “Musharraf’s cronies and facilitators have driven Pakistan on the brink of disaster,” he said.

Courtesy: Dawn, Monday, 14 Jun, 2010

For more >>— DawnNews


Dr Ali Akbar M. Dhakan, Karachi, Sindh

In order to foster national unity and stabilize the democratic system of government in Pakistan, a great and plausible decision was agreed upon on 30th December 2009 at Gawadar by the representatives of all provinces duly signed by the Prime Minister on the 7th NFC award but it is indecent and shocking on the part of the concerned Secretary Ministry of Finance Govt. of Pakistan who became successful to dodge his superiors and the top rulers of the Government of Pakistan, the Prime Minister and the President of Pakistan to get issued a deceitful, violated and defective presidential order on the mutually agreed 7th NFC Award. From this Presidential order, two basic sections/decisions providing financial benefits particularly to the Sindh province have been scratched out. They were (i)General Sales Taxes on services to be transferred to provinces and (ii)Financial resources to be distributed to provinces according to the multidimensional method of distribution of financial resources.


Kumar Thandani : Man is mortal but legend stays!

Owner of Hyderabad’s iconic bakery dies

HYDERABAD, June 11: Man is mortal but legend stays. It can truly be said for late Kumar of Hyderabad’s Bombay Bakery, as its cuisine left an everlasting flavour on the taste buds of those lucky, who had the opportunity to relish these.

Continue reading Kumar Thandani : Man is mortal but legend stays!

The imperialism of Urdu

Is There a Conflict Between Urdu And the Regional Languages in Pakistan?

by Khurram Ali Shafique

[Excerpt] .. Prof. Karrar Hussain is an outstanding intellectual and scholar. At eighty-plus the Professor continues to discourse on social, religious and other poignant issues.

“After the fall of Delhi and Lucknow, Lahore became the center of literature and Hyderabad ( Deccan ) the center of science and other subjects. There was (official) patronage in Hyderabad but no such thing in Lahore .” And still the language and literature of Urdu flourished here.


“And then came Independence. Now, we must keep in mind that all people love their own languages. So, when you raised the cry: ‘Urdu hai aur Pakistan hai / Yeh sharif admi ki pehchan hai.’ Naturally, this cry caused resentment among the people of these regions. And this we would call the imperialism of Urdu. This was a very wrong thing.”


“Now Urdu here cannot be the same as it used to be in Delhi and Lucknow. It will be the Urdu of Pakistan. To insist upon the Urdu of Delhi and Lucknow , to insist upon the same usage, and upon the same life, and to insist that this is the mark of patriotism, is wrong. The conclusion I derive from this is: Urdu ko Urdu kay doston say bachao! (save Urdu from its friends) Urdu flourished when it was free from the politics.

Courtesy: http://therepublicofrumi.com/khurram/urdu.htm